He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

December 29, 2005

Doing bills, yay! Yes, that's my sarcastic yay. I was thinking of doing a wine and cheese picnic basket for NYE, but now I see that it'll have to be Lambrusco and Velveeta. Which, still tasty! And still a step more grownup than Coke and Cheetos.

Anyway. I'm getting things done today, thanks to my new ADD-proof system, which is that for every personal thing I do (including reading and writing blog entries), I have to do three actual work-related tasks before I can do another personal thing. It's made for a pretty productive morning. Of course, now I'm on my lunch break, so this doesn't count.

I'm also combatting fat and dented self-esteem by giving myself mini workout breaks. I've been pretty bummed over my lack of time to fit workouts into my schedule, but I finally remembered what I'd already figured out earlier this year, which is that a set of crunches here and a set of lunges there can be just as effective. Or at the very least, better than nothing. Also, if this mild weather we're having holds out, I'm not going to have any excuses not to bring a pair of walking shoes and do a mile on my lunch break. At any rate, hopefully getting some regular exercise will help get me back to feeling like my regular self again, instead of this fattened lethargic slug of apathy that I've recently turned into. I'm Jeanie the Hutt! Only without the slime. Or the power. Or the metal-bikini clad slave girls. Oy, but I'm ready for the holidays to end.

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