I've asked Miss Tess and Li'l Sis to be my maid and matron of honor, respectively (I'm considering asking my big sis to stand up, too, but considering she's about to be a grandmother, I kind of don't think she'd be into it). Since they're of disparate shapes and sizes (as are most women here in the real world) and I want them to be comfortable, and since they're both on a tight budget and I'm not about to ask either of them to shell out a lot of money for a dress that they'll never wear again, I've decided to knit them matching wraps (or possibly ponchos) that they can each build an outfit around of their own choosing.
So, here's the yarn, in the color shown (Acid Axis). The blue and green in the yarn are my wedding colors, decided on mainly because Matt will look exceptionally yummy in that shade of blue. I was originally planning to knit it into this shawl, but then last night when I picked up the yarn I stumbled across the pattern for this poncho. I'll let them each decide which they'd rather wear. I figure they don't have to be matchy-matchy as long as they're color-coordinated. Hopefully, at least one of them will get back to me with their preference soon, so I can commence the knittin'.
Pretty yarn! And I really like the poncho. Growing up, I had a bunch that my mom made me, but they've really come a long way :) Can't wait to see the finished product(s).
Danke. I wanted to knit ponchos last year, but I thought they looked daunting enough that they'd go out of style again by the time I finished one. But it seems that they're not going anywhere for a while, and this one looks pretty simple. I might have to knit one for myself once theirs are done.
Those are cute. I, too, have refrained from buying a poncho, because I'm afraid they'll go out of style. But they seem to be hanging around, like you said, and now I can knit one.
Have fun knitting!
I also refrained from knitting one because I thought they looked kind of difficult, but it turns out that there are several patterns out there that are pretty simple. Like the one I linked. If neither Liz nor Tess decide they want one, I might just have to knit one for myself.
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