He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

January 20, 2006

Color-coordinated wedded bliss/I love my dead demonic show

Well, now. Here is a wedding cake that features both my blue & green and Matt's burgundy. Or something close enough to burgundy to be encouraging, at least. I'm starting to think it might be safe to proceed knitting my bridesmaid's shawls.

Speaking of roses (I wasn't, I know, but they're on the cake and I needed a segue), Matt picked me up from work last night, and when I got out to the car, there waiting for me in the passenger seat was a rose and an 8-pack of Reese's cups. My guy totally knows the way to my heart and he's not afraid to exploit it. God love him for it. I know I sure do.

After some impromptu making out in the parking lot, we went back to his place to partake of peanut-buttery-chocolate goodness and watch Chosen. This was the first time I've watched it since May 20, 2003. It was slightly less painful last night than it was then, in that at least by now I've actually seen Spike on Angel and I know he turns out mostly okay, and so it didn't quite have that same feeling of Joss Whedon coming over to my house and personally running over my puppy as it did the first time I watched it. Even so, Matt had to hold me for a while after it was over. I am, apparently, still in mourning for my show. At least now Matt's in mourning with me.


Anonymous said...

I had a friend over to watch Serenity after I picked up the DVD. I saw it in theatres and I watched it twice that night with Jen (once regular, once with commentary, because we are just that fangirly) and it didn't matter - I still sobbed like a little girl when Wash died.

Jean Bauhaus said...

Heh. I started to add, "For that fresh run over puppy feeling I guess I can turn to Serenity now," but I decided that might be spoilery. I still know people who haven't seen it yet.

Anonymous said...

Maybe 6 months ago or so, I was at my grandma's and started flipping through the channels. "Chosen" was on, so I watched the last 15 minutes and cried like a baby. It was the first time I watched it since the original airing. I'm not over my dead demonic show either.


Jean Bauhaus said...

I did okay until they all got to the school and everybody went to take their places except for the four original Scoobies, and they hung out for a minute and chit-chatted like old times and OMG I'm about to tear up right now just thinking about it. I think just knowing this was the end affected me even more than knowing Spike was toast. At least I knew his toast-dom was only temporary, but my show is as dead as Wash. That makes me much more profoundly sad than it probably should.

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