He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

January 3, 2006

Hello New!

I'm expecting big things from 2006. Like getting married, which, really, is huge. Whether it happens for free in February in front of the entire Channel 6 viewing public, or in August for a shiny new boatload of debt, one way or another it's happening this year. Which means that this is going to be both one of the best and one of the most stressful years of my life thus far. I'm bracing myself for a hell of a ride.

The wedding is, natch, my number one goal this year. Most of my other goals stem from that: lose weight, get in shape, organize my place to make room for Matt, get my teeth cleaned, address my health problems, financial problems, et cetera et cetera et cetera. I pretty much have two sets of goals, apart from the wedding itself. All of the above is pre-wedding. Post-wedding goals include finding permanent employment, consolidating all of our debts, and starting a savings fund for a house. Or a baby. Or both. Talk about a life change.

I only have one major goal that's independent of the whole impending marriange thing, which is to finish at least one of my novels. I have two that are at the half-way point, which means that to accomplish this goal I merely have to pick one and write half a novel, which is much less daunting than the one and a half novels I was determined to complete last year. So, specifically, I'm aiming to finish the first draft of my romance novel by my birthday in April. I think I've figured out a writing schedule that, if I stick to it, can make this happen. Wish me luck.

As for reading goals, I'm hereby declaring a moratorium on buying new books until I've gone through my shelves and have either read or thrown out everything that's already on them. I figure I'll give each book that I have yet to read 10 pages to grab my attention, and if they don't, they get put out to used book pasture. If they do, then they'll get read, and if I love them, they'll get kept. I suppose I ought to challenge Matt to do the same with all of his books. That would sure make the merging of our libraries easier.

Knitting goals currently don't reach beyond knitting matching shawls for my bridesmaids to wear, and finishing off a wee purse I made myself to carry my lip gloss and whatall on the big day. I hope to start on those this week so they'll be done in the event that we win that contest. And if we don't, then that's one less preparation project I'll have to worry about.

So, yes. 2006 will be nothing if not hectic, which, I'm warning you now, I don't do hectic well. But I know it will all be worth it, and that when it's over I'll look back on this year with fondness. Color me optimistic, and color me overall happy. This is the year that's going to change everything.

Okay, color me also a little bit scared.

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