I'm feeling a lot better about things since I figured out that I'm all hormonal and all major discussions need to be put on hold until it passes. I also found and printed off The Groom Guide for Matt (funny how there are like 30 billion web sites for brides but I could only find this one for grooms), which will hopefully give us both some direction as to what his part in the planning entails. Now here's hoping he actually reads it.
I'm a little frustrated because the PMS exacerbates my ADD and makes me even more scatterbrained than usual. I anticipate a lot of mini exercise breaks today to try and keep my head on straight. Thankfully, I'm almost caught up on all my work, and it's Friday, which means I shouldn't see too many things landing in my in-box today and trying to overwhelm me. Also, it's SciFriday! Rejoice!
I was also perked up this morning by the discovery of my Neutrogena Nail Enhancer, this non-nail polish, instant drying stuff that makes your nails look all shiny and buffed. I picked some up the other day to try despite not having the budget for it, put a coat on my nails, and then turned right around and lost it. After a lot of looking last night I gave up and prayed, pointing out to the Lord that I know it's stupid, but that I just hate for the money I spent on it to go to waste, so could he please just make sure it turns up? before I went to bed. Then this morning I heard my cat batting something around and went to check it out, and surely enough, she was batting around my lost tube of nail stuff. Some of you will surely scoff that it's a coincidence and it would have turned up anyway, but for me it was a nice and much needed reminder that God cares about even the most insignificant crap in our lives. And if He cares enough to help me find a stupid little tube of nail stuff, how much more does He care about the big things, like making sure I have a job when I need it? God is awesome, yo.
Speaking of jobs, mine ends the last day of February, as far as they know. But Marketing Gal mentioned yesterday that she wants to ask TPTB to fly me out with her to DC for a week to help her train the new people, so that could be pretty cool. At any rate, a couple of weeks into February I'm going to start getting acquainted with whoever is covering my account at the temp agency now in the hopes that I can build the kind of rapport I had with my last recruiter. She was really good about keeping me in work when I needed it, and I'm so, so sad to learn that she's gone. I'm going to try to hang in there with the temping until after the wedding, though, and then once we get back from the honeymoon I'll start looking for full time work. I met with a contract-to-hire recruiting agency back in December and made a pretty good impression with them, and they told me to get in touch when I'm ready to work full time, so I feel pretty good about that. Between them and my current agency, I don't believe I'll want for a job for too long.
But as long as I've still got this job, I suppose I should get to work. Happy Friday, y'all.
Whoo, Happy Friday!
Whoo, finding your nail enhancer!
Whoo, God!
Whoo, silly sun!
Happy Friday to you too!
"God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to behold"
That he does.
Good to see you, sweetie! Don't be a stranger!
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