'Something must have happened, since it's not like her to come back naked and not aware of anything.'*
Bob looked worriedly down the hall. His sister had stumbled into him on her way to her room,
clutching a blanket to her naked form and avoiding eye contact.
'Aww, I'm sure she's fine, Bobby. It's just a phase.'
He looked in disbelief at his stepmother, who was still engrossed in her Flare magazine.
'She was naked! She ran right into me and didn't say a word! That's not fine!'
'Bobby!' Leanne scolded, looking sharply at the ten year old. 'She's only two. When you are a baby, you sometimes go through those stages. I'm sure your father could tell us stories about you running around naked too.'
Bob decided not to make a big deal about it any more.
*Line from original SF submission
I choose to believe the competition was fierce.
Yay me!
Yay you!
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