I did indeed get my Mega Mind pills last night, so I'm in a much more focus-y state of mind today. Huzzah!
My last day at this job got moved back to the 28th, since that's when our lease expires and there won't be any more office to come to after that day. As it is I'm probably going to have to bring a camping chair to sit on my last couple of days, as all of the furniture will have been shipped off to DC by then, so it'll just be me, a phone, and a laptop. Good times.
I guess it's high time I started working on a plan of action that involves updating my resume and kissing up to the temp agency recruiter. I'm saving money as aggressively as I can in the mean time, in case it takes them a little while to find me more work, but I'm not too worried. I've got a bit of tenure and a lot of good feedback in my file, so even though I don't have a relationship with the current recruiter, I don't think they'll let me stay idle for too long. In the mean time, I'll be pimping the hell out of all my knit goods and hawking a lot of my clutter on eBay. So I'm not worried. Everything will be just fine.
There might be a new development, too. I've been hesitant to blog about this since it's still kind of up in the air, pending Matt's ability to get out of his lease, but if he can, then he'll be moving out to Casa de Mama and renting out a room from my mom until the wedding. It'll be beneficial to everybody involved--he'll save money on rent that he can put towards various other things he's been putting off for lack of funds (among them my engagement ring), my mom will be making extra cash that she'll put toward the wedding, and I won't live 50 minutes away from my sweetie and splitting all of my time between two homes anymore, which means that I'll be in a much better position to get myself a real, full time job. This probably won't happen for a couple of months, as I think that's how much notice Matt's apartment complex requires to let him out of his lease. But it's sure going to simple things up a lot.
In other news, I finally got around to pulling up my free credit report, and lo, what a black hole of depression it turned out to be. Sigh. It seems twenty-something me's inability to manage her finances is still screwing things up for thirty-something, responsible me. That's right up there with twenty-year-old me's educational apathy and inability to make decent grades keeping thirty-year-old, straight-A-student me from getting into any honor societies. Makes me wish I could build a time machine just to go back ten years and give myself a good smack upside the head. Anyway, I sure hope this won't mess too much with our plans to consolidate all of our debts once we're married.
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