He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

February 13, 2006

My genre- and chore-filled weekend

Warning: This post contains spoilers for Grey's Anatomy and Battlestar Galactica.

I watched Grey's Anatomy last night. I've been told multiple times that I should be watching this show, but I always respond that I'm too busy prepping my lunch for Monday and getting ready for bed. I usually catch the first five minutes or so, and I'm always intrigued, but once the opening credits come on I always dutifully turn off the TV and start puttering around, getting myself ready for Monday morning.

But last night, I stayed put and watched the whole thing. Wow, is all I can say. I guess I'll have to start getting my lunch made earlier from now on, because I do need to be watching this show.

Not that it made a difference last night, since I had the worst case of insomnia that I've had in quite a while. Not just because I kept seeing Kyle Chandler get blown to bits on repeat in my mind's eye, although that sure didn't help. I think spending my Sunday cleaning instead of relaxing simply got me too wired to sleep. But at least my place is clean! I didn't get any writing done, alas and shame on me, but I did get my new towel rack assembled, so go team me for that much, anyway.

Oh, but I did write a Valentine's poem for Matt. Well, I wrote it the other day, but I edited the heck out of it yesterday. It's still totally sappy and schmaltzy and I wouldn't show it to anyone but him, but it's straight from the heart. I typed it up and put it in a homemade card, which I'll present to him tomorrow along with a batch of low carb, sugar free peanut butter cookies that I also baked for him yesterday. These, by the way, taste much yummier than they sound.

Saturday wasn't that noteworthy, but it was pleasant enough. The weather was weird--winter finally decided to put in an appearance here in NE Oklahoma, but it gave a very scattered and confused performance and couldn't decide whether to command the scene and let it snow or cede the stage to Spring. But it came in with a lot of bluster, I'll give it that.

Matt and I braved the smattering of flurries to go wander around Michael's and look at yarns and silk flowers and the wedding craft aisles, hoping to come to some kind of consensus about a color scheme. Which, we didn't. Sigh. Then it was back to his place to watch Versus. I gotta tell you, I don't know if there's a name for this genre, but I'm loving these weird Japanese fantasy-horror-action movies that are just like live-action anime. And I didn't even know this one had zombies! Awesome! Zombies make everything better. Just ask George R. R. Martin.

Working backward through the weekend, this brings us to Friday night, which was pretty much as I said it would be, except my brandy lacked the hot chocolate and impaired my motor skills enough that I was afraid to try giving myself that pedicure. Oh, and [BSG SPOIILER ALERT]Billy's dead, thank you so much, you right bloody bastards. Just as I was really starting to love that poor kid. I already liked him better than Apollo and can't imagine why Dualla would dump that sweetie for Major Issues, but he's dead now, so what does it matter?[/SPOILER] Then again, I've just never been able to get invested in Lee. Starbuck either, util just recently. I know they're the ones that we're all supposed to be the most invested in, but for me it's always been about Boomer and Roslin and Bill and Helo and Gaius and Six and, yes, Billy and Dee. And now they've taken the last away and it feels like they're trying to force me to care about Lee, but I just can't. I've tried, and I can care about him for Bill's sake, and Kara's sake, and maybe even for Dualla's sake, but for his own sake, I just don't care. I'm sorry.

So today, work. I need to get my filing done, since the new gal will be here Wednesday and I'll probably be busy training her. I'm taking off early this afternoon and Matt's coming out to the house for a couple of days. Tomorrow's going to be a pretty low-key V-day, just hanging around the house together, but Wednesday night he's taking me out to dinner. He won't tell me where, it's a surprise. It's always a surprise when he takes me out, but it's always a pleasant surprise, and I'm looking forward to it. If you have V-day plans, I hope they're all you want them to be. And if not, I at least hope you get to partake of some good chocolate tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I saw the first half of that two part Grey's Anatomy, but totally missed the second part. I'm a big Crossing Jordan fan, so that's what I usually watch on Sundays. I need them to come out with Grey's Anatomy on DVD so I can see the first season.

Also, there's a blog called Grey Matter, which is a group blog from the writers of GA.

So good. And, more interweb to suck away your time!

Jean Bauhaus said...

I missed the first half, but the previouslies looked intriguing enough to make me watch the second. I'm not sure how I feel about getting hooked on another show. I resisted this one for so long because it's already hard to fit them all in.

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