He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

February 17, 2006

OMG today SUCKS so far. It's certainly the most stressful morning I've had in quite some time. It started with an incredibly stressed out Matt being incredibly surly because he feared our stopping to get gas would make him late for work (and that the fumes from the gasoline that splashed onto my glove was going to make him sick, or something). And then when he dropped me off to work, before I could even finish saying goodbye and trying to talk him into some semblance of calm before sending him back into the morning traffic, the New Gal showed up at my carside all with the questions already. And the questions didn't stop until a few minutes ago when Marketing Gal showed up and they went to grab some coffee. I couldn't even get time to make myself some coffee and eat my breakfast. Oy.

Now I'm on Boss Lady's computer--she called in sick today and is actually on her way to the hospital, thinking she might have appendicits, so somebody's definitely having a worse morning than I am today. I finally just turned my computer over to NG so she could practice processing new members and I could get away from her long enough to scarf down my oatmeal.

I'm slightly less grumpy now that I've eaten and gotten a few minutes of quiet time, but only slightly. I might need to force myself to do another Gratitude Journal entry today to gain myself some perspective. Or maybe I'll just revel in the grumpiness. The grumpiness is kind of comforting, in its own way.

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