He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

February 2, 2006


I ran out of my ADD supplements last week, and I procrastinated too long on ordering more. So now its been long enough for them to completely run out of my system, which means that the day's only about two-thirds over and my brain's already fried to a nice crunchy texture and smothered in fog-sauce.


Anyway. Hopefully there'll be a package from the vitamin shop waiting for me when I get home tonight so that I'll be able to muster up some semblance of productivity tomorrow. Or at least get through the day without wanting to curl up underneath my desk and block out all sensory input.

I need to e-mail our pastor and find out his availability in August. I asked Matt to do it, since that officially falls under "groom's duties," but he was all, "You're the one with the regular computer access, why don't you do it?" Which, point. I also want to start a separate wedding blog so I don't have to keep blathering about this stuff here, and more importantly so that I can give out the URL to relatives without having them read up on my personal life. I've been meaning to do this for a while now, but I'll start, look at the state of my in box, feel guilty, and stop. And then go read TWoP, heh. Or Miss Snark. There's still guilt, but slacking off somehow engenders less guilt than using company time to work on a personal project. Which is exactly why I haven't e-mailed the pastor yet.

But today just might be the day that the wedding blog gets launched, seeing as how processing these membership applications is about to make me tear my hair out.

Oh, but there is some good news. This zone diet I'm on, if I add enough Omega 3 fish oil, which is generally recommended for homeopathic treatment of ADD anyway, will supposedly lessen the severity of both my ADD and my PMS symptoms, and could all but eliminate the latter over time. It sure sounds worth a try. *adds fish oil to shopping list* The idea of not having a monthly excuse on which to pin my irrational behavior is a little daunting, but if I could just stay sane all month long, I'll consider it a fair trade.


Anonymous said...

I love Miss Snark. I quote her to my boyfriend, who never has any idea what I'm going on about.

Jean Bauhaus said...

Hee, yeah, she is pretty quotable. And also good with the advice. I've bookmarked several of her posts.

I kind of wish she was't quite so prolific with the posting. I can get caught up in her blog for hours when I should be working. Maybe if I could train myself to stay out of the comments section...

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