He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

March 11, 2006

I'm getting married in September, ding dong the bells are gonna chime!

I've updated the wedding blog, in case you're interested.

In other news, stripping varnish and woodstain off of fifty-some-odd year old furniture is a pain in the ass. If you're ever considering doing such a thing, I would suggest that you forget the natural wood look and just paint over the sucker. Seriously. I started trying to strip my grandpa's old radio cabinet four hours ago, thinking I'd have it re-stained and ready to put the new hardware on by now. But I'm still trying to get the old varnish off of that thing. And it is not fun. My back hurts and I'm covered in antique shelack and paint thinner. And then will come the sanding. Oh, the sanding, with the dust and the rubbing that feels like it will never end. I tells ya, this had better turn out to be one damn fine looking media cabinet by the time I'm finished with it.

But on a more accomplished note, one quarter of my living room is organized, I have a new rug in there, and it looks lovely. And I now have an actual bed, as opposed to just the box spring and mattress on the floor that I've been sleeping on. Now I need to hurry and store as much as possible under it before the monsters find out about it, so that they won't have any room to hide under there and attack my feet. My cat already figured this out. Hopefully she won't tell them before I can fill up the space.

And now, back to the paint stripping I go. Sigh.

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