He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

March 15, 2006

More drama than Shakespeare

So late last night I'm pining for Matt, as I'm wont to do, when he calls to say that his apartment complex is on fire and he's being evacuated, can he please bring his cat and stay the night at my house? He could, natch, and as much as I hoped to see him earlier in the week than originally planned, it wasn't under those circumstances.

He showed up about 1:30 in the AM, frightened kitty in tow, and he was of course much too wired to sleep. He had a pretty good sense of humor about the whole thing, despite having left behind his guitar and his prosthetic leg, which cost more than an Italian sports car. And it's good to know that he's got his priorities in order: his first impulse after grabbing his cat? Save the liquor! Hee! A more level head prevailed, though, and he ended up leaving his vodka and grabbing all of his financial paperwork instead.

I don't think the poor boy got more than four hours of sleep last night, if that much, but he was apparently still running on adrenaline this morning when he woke me up at 7 to tell me he was going to go back and see if his apartment got hit. I haven't heard from him yet (he was going to go in to work for a few hours afterwards, despite having already called in a personal day), but according to the local news, the fire only burned the apartment where it started and the one immediately next door, so it sounds like his was spared the burn. Now here's hoping it was also spared smoke and water damage. Assuming his stuff is okay, I'm going to borrow my mom's van and meet him this afternoon to bring another haul of his stuff over here. I don't know if we'll be bringing the liquor, but this time we'll be sure to pack up his leg.

In other news, I now have two cats. They haven't yet been introduced. Niblet's stashed away in my bedroom while Sasha (Matt's kitty) gets used to her new surroundings. Neither of them are very happy right now. Matt asked me to wait until he gets back to let Niblet out so he could watch when they first see each other, which should be a trip. I think before I sign off that I'll Google up some advice on how to acclimate adult kitties to each other. Here's hoping we can do it and keep the fur flying to a minimum.


Anonymous said...

Holy Firecats Batman!

I'm glad the living beings got out safely and soundly.

Hee! And I laugh and applaud that he wanted to save the vodka!

Sounds like your life will never be boring. *smooch*


Anonymous said...

Whoa. That bites. I hope all his stuff is spared and he sleeps better tonight.

And the cat intros - so unfun. We got a new kitten a year or so ago. We kept them separate for a week before we intro'ed them. Then Trippy, one of our older cats had to have surgery, and the kitten (now a year old) took offense. It's been over 2 months, and they still can't be together. We hardly see Trippy at all anymore.

Hope it goes better with Niblet and Sasha!

Anonymous said...

Glad Matt and Sasha made it out safely. *hugs*

D.R. Cootey said...

Nice that he has a good attitude about it. Hope things work out for you two. Especially the cats! ;)

The Splintered Mind - Overcoming Neurological Disabilities With Lots Of Humor And Attitude

Jean Bauhaus said...

Manoah - It has yet to get boring. I'm starting to crave a little boredom. Well, not really, but I could stand some slowing down.

Garnigal - Yeah. Well, so far not so good. Sasha's adjusting pretty well, but Niblet's extremely unhappy with me for bringing another cat into her domain. It doesn't help that she keeps getting whipped by said other cat. Here's hoping they'll learn to tolerate each other eventually.

Sunny - thanks, sweetums! That's where we were at--just grateful that they made it out okay. *hugs*

Douglas - fancy seeing you here! Thanks for dropping by. Yeah, he generally has a pretty good attitude, or at least can maintain a good sense of humor about things. One of the many things I love about him. Thanks!

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