He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

April 13, 2006

Addlepated woe

It's been one heckuva busy week so far. Matt took Monday off so that we could run errands together, which included ransacking his apartment for the disk on which he stores his resume so that he'd have a fresh copy on Tuesday when he went to apply for a job closer to home. I rode in with him and afterwards we checked out another wedding chapel, which we prompty rejected--it would have been a contender but for the giant cartoonish cherub mural on the back wall of the sanctuary. So we are still sans wedding location. Woe. And then yesterday I had a job interview, after which I met Matt at his apartment to pack up and move another load of his things. See? Busy.

Today's my first day at home all week and I don't know what to do with myself. There are plenty of things I could or should be doing, but despite my normally helpful ADD supplements I'm having one of those days where I'm too overwhelmed by everything to be able to do anything. We're planning to move all of Matt's furniture over here on Saturday, so I need to work on making room for it, but I can't for the life of me figure out where to start, and it's freaking me out a little, and nothing is getting done, which is also depressing me to no end. I'm also just really tired today. I kept dozing off while trying to study my Bible this morning, and when I tried to work on Ray my mind was even more of a blank than my computer screen. I think maybe I need to just cut myself some slack and give myself a day off to recover from the week's hecticity--not to mention to rest up for all of the work this weekend's furniture move will entail. It's a beautiful day. I think I'll eat lunch and go for a walk and just enjoy the loverly weather we're having. The piles of Matt's junk, the writing, the wedding planning, the job searching... it will all still be there tomorrow.

But what of the interview, you ask? Or maybe you don't, but I'll tell you anyway: it went very well, so well that they called this morning with an offer. Unfortunately and alas, it's a very long commute, even longer than I'm used to, and I promised myself that I wouldn't take the first job opportunity to come along out of sheer desperation, and that this time I'd hold out for something closer to home. Even if I have to take less pay, at least then I won't be spending half of my paycheck on gasoline. So I turned it down. I hope I made the right decision. It seemed like a pretty good job. Not a great job, but good enough for me to be content doing it for a few years. I'm just going to trust that there's an equally good, if not better, job out there that won't require me to spend two full hours on the road every day. Here's hopin'.

Finally, a Dakotah update: she gets to go home today! She's already up to 5 lbs., 3 oz. Hopefully we'll get another opportunity to go see her soon. Although my nephew and Dakotah's mother are trying to reconcile their relationship, we haven't had an opportunity to get close to the mother or her family, so we don't know how comfortable she'll be with having us come to her home to see the baby. This is nephew #2's baby, by the way, in case I forgot to mention. And as promised, here are pictures from the night I got to visit her:

Here she is with her feeding tube still in. Look at her little pose! She already looks bored and put upon.

And here she is with no tubes at all. Yay!

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