He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

April 28, 2006

Glad tidings (it's about darn time)

First of all, thanks for the love and prayers for L'il Sis & family. I'll be sure to pass the love along. They're holding it together pretty well, all things considered. Ash is still young enough that he's oblivious to what's going on, and he's making it easier for his parents to get through this. They're both taking time out to grieve together, which is about the healthiest thing they can do, imo. God love them.

Here are some more cheerful tidings: I have a job! Not THE job (which I still haven't ruled out entirely as a possibility; they said I'd know by today and it's still fairly early in the day), but the temp agency finally came through for me. I met this morning with the A/R manager in the corporate office of a health food manufacturer and agreed to a longterm assignment doing invoicing. The pay isn't as good as the mental health job, so I'm still crossing my fingers on that one until the end of the day, but either way, come Monday I'll once again have gainful employment. And I don't even have to go apply at Target. Yay!

I guess it goes without saying that I'm relieved, for a lot of reasons. As I said, this one doesn't pay as good as the other, but it's still pretty decent pay for what sounds like pretty easy work, and this invoicing job lies well inside my comfort zone, whereas I would have to really step outside myself for the crisis counseling job. And the invoicing job should be much more writer-friendly.

The only thing I don't really like about it is that it lacks the stability I was hoping for. There's a chance that it could go temp-to-hire, if I perform really well and depending on several other factors, but apparently there's just as much a chance that my division could get sold out from under me and they'll have to let me go. And also the high probability that they'll string me along and keep me temp as long as possible so that they won't have to provide me with any benefits. So I'll still be keeping my eyes peeled for something a little more permanent and chronically-ill-future-husband-who-wants-to-go- back-to-college-friendly. But in the mean time I can pay all my bills! Did I mention yay?

No idea whether I'll be able to keep up with the internets from the new office, but I have a feeling my workload will be sufficient to keep me from having time to screw around too much online, so it's probably best that I don't go re-addicting myself to TWoP and whatall. But here's hoping that at the very least I'll be able to e-mail and blog on my lunch hour.

I'm also not thrilled with the commute--same ol' downtown commute as always that I just can't seem to get away from--but as long as Matt's working in Tulsa he wants to go ahead and carpool, despite the fact that his shift ends three and a half hours before mine does and he no longer has an apartment to go home to to wait out the difference. I'm sure he won't have too much trouble finding ways to kill the time, though. This will also save me about $50/month in parking fees, plus it's 90 extra minutes a day to spend with my sweetie, so there's no bad there on my end.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay job!

and yay for more time with Matt too. He's a smart boy, thinking of commuting together.

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