He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

April 25, 2006

More good news/bad news

Bad news first, I guess. My sister had a miscarriage. My mom and I are going over later with food and love. There's not much to say about it--it just plain sucks. As sad as I am I can only imagine how much it's tearing her up right now. Please send my L'il Sis and her husband prayers and good vibes.

In happier baby news, Dakotah continues to improve in leaps and bounds. She's already almost 6 pounds and has a totally clean bill of health. I saw more recent pictures of her the other day and she looks like a totally different baby. Hopefully I'll get my chance to actually hold her pretty soon.

I had that interview the other day with the mental health center. If I get the job I'll be doing mainly crisis intervention. It will require long hours and occasionally being on call, but I believe I can handle it. The pay is more than I dreamed of for starting pay, and it would sure clear up mine and Matt's financial difficulties. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed and praying about it. They said I'll know one way or another by this Friday. I think the interview went well, but they were a little hesitant about my lack of experience in the field. I'm hoping that my enthusiasm and my excellent references will get them to overlook that. So hopefully by next week I'll be a contributing member of society. If not, next weekend I'll be hitting up Target and various other local retailers for a job to tide me over. :/


Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with your sister and her husband and the rest of your family. How very, very sad.

I'm crossing my fingers, toes and eyes for your job!


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your sister and her husband's loss. Take good care of her and tell her the interwebnets are thinking of her.

Good luck on the job interview! It sounds like an amazing opportunity.

Jean Bauhaus said...

Thanks, guys. I'll pass the love along.

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