He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

May 18, 2006

Finally, a slow morning. Co-Administrator Gal (who shall henceforth be known as CAG) has nothing for me to do, and neither does anybody else. At least journaling makes me look busy. Methinks I should bring my writing files up here for when these activity slumps happen, although I've a feeling they won't happen very often. The only way I'm going to figure out how to fit writing into my life is to get really strict with myself about setting aside a block of time each day to write. That's the only thing that ever works. I'll give myself the rest of this week to get settled in my new job/routine, and then I've got to get back on the writing wagon.

Speaking of new jobs, Matt has an interview next week. It's with a smaller hometown bank that he applied with weeks ago, where L'il Sis is working now. She used to work at the big-ass corporate bank where Matt currently works, and she finds her new job much less stressful. If he gets it it will mean longer hours for him, but more money, plus a much, much shorter commute, and just less stress all around. And best yet he'll get weekends off. Right now he works Saturdays, so we only have Sundays off together, which is of the suck. So please send prayers/good vibes/crossed fingers in Matt's direction, both that he'll get the job and that they'll give him all the time off he'll need in September.


In the "It's a Small World" file: there's a guy in my department who is the brother of one of the IT guys who were always on our floor fixing our server (which crashed almost daily, IIRC) back when I worked at Williams. That guy was a very nice guy and he used to hang out at my desk a lot to chat. When I first saw his brother on Monday I thought it was him, they look so much alike, but then I realized he had a different first name. Yesterday I finally got up the nerve to ask this new guy if they were related, and they are indeed brothers. The IT Guy's Brother (ITGB) seems every bit as nice as IT Guy was. Yay for nice guys in the office.


Anonymous said...

Crossing all necessary parts for Matt (hey! it worked for you, yeah?). It would be great to have weekends off together.

Glad things are going well. It always feels good when your plans start coming together.


Jean Bauhaus said...

Thanks! It does feel really good. It especially feels good to know that we'll get to start our marriage out with some actual financial security. That should make the marital bliss a lot more blissful.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Matt!

Jean Bauhaus said...

On behalf of Matt, thanks!

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