He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

May 15, 2006

First day report

Lunchtime, day 1 of the new new job. So far so good. I like them, they seem to like me, so far nothing they've shown me that I'll be doing intimidates me other than the sheer volume of responsibilities and procedures and project names/numbers I'll have to learn. But I'm confident that all of that will come, and so far my trainer is a very patient woman. I think I've finally found The Job. Yay!

The could-be-better: It took me about 50 minutes to get here. I'm too out of the way and our schedules are to disparate to make carpooling feasible, so Matt's already stressing about gas money. But the route I took is both scenic and has a low volume of traffic, so the commute is pretty stress free. As for internet usage, it looks like my communication with the outside world will be limited to this here blog, since, for fear of viruses and such, accessing outside e-mail is verboten. No coffee-break g-mailing for me. No YIMing, either, as the IM program they use here is an in-house DOS based program. Bummer. I keep having to remind myself that these restrictions are both reasonable and common and that I was ridiculously spoilt at my last job.

Also, this is a weird, weird building and I can't go anywhere by myself yet without getting lost. They gave me a map, but it hasn't helped me much. I was going to eat at my desk and then go outside for a sunshine break, but just trying to find my way back from the bathroom was such an ordeal that now I'm afraid to leave my desk until my sherpa gets back from lunch. My feet hurt, anyway, so I'm good staying off them for as long as I'm able.

Which brings me to the Essential Lesson of the Day: Wear comfortable shoes. I need to invest in more comfortable office-appropriate shoes. My current collection of comfy shoes consists of a couple pairs of Chinese Mary Janes and a plethora of flip-flops. Looks like the MJs will be getting a lot of wear for the time being.

Regardless, unlike my last two false starts, I'm pretty confident that I'm going to love it here. And confident enough that they'll let me stay to start bringing in some pictures and knick-knacks to personalize my space tomorrow. I'm sure that my Tear-into-staples Rex is going to like his new home.

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