He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

May 25, 2006

See this face? *points* This is the face of happiness.

Isn't it a fantastic feeling when everything starts to fall into place? Especially following months and months of one thing after another going so very wrong?

Matt had his interview yesterday. They're supposed to let him know by Friday. If he gets this job it'll be the icing on my happy cake, which is already turning out to be pretty good without any icing: I've got a good job that I like, I've got both the means and a solid plan to meet all of my financial obligations, my wedding is finally scheduled, and I've got a wonderful fiance who I might add looks really hot in a dress shirt and tie and I can only imagine how gorgeous he's going to look in his tux.

I'm taking time out to revel and bask before I start thinking about my to do list. At some point I'll need to remember that there's still the reception to plan, and still plenty to do to get ready for the wedding itself, but I'm not going to think about that today. Today I'm happy and stress-free. And thinking about all the stuff I'll get to buy when I finally get to go shopping for myself this weekend, for the first time in forever. Whee! Also: three days off! Double wheeee!

I finally brought my writing, too. I'm still working on Ray, but I couldn't find a disk to transfer the file so I just brought a print-out instead. I'm reading through it to re-familiarize myself (it's been a few weeks since I've even looked at it) and, of course, finding plenty to change. The great news is that this job seems tailor-made for my writing. I'm sure these long, long periods of having nothing to do will diminish as I'm given more responsibility, but most of the responsibilities are very short-term, some taking only a few minutes and none taking more than a couple of hours. If I can just keep myself from becoming too distracted, there should be plenty of opportunities to squeeze some writing time into my work day. See? Everything is going my way.

Now if only Matt can get this job so he'll have weekends off with me. Not to mention a less stressful work environment and more money for himself. Please send him vibes. Preferably good ones.

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