Slow, slow morning, and me without my writing files. Again. Le sigh.
I called my first (read: the prettiest) choice of wedding chapels/B&Bs and found out some very good things, namely that contrary to the info on their web site their affordable (to me) package does include a unity candle ceremony, and also that they have a very affordable photography package. I think, at last, that I know where I'm getting married. Now I just need to convince Matt that this is the place, and then I can book it. Eeeeeee!
I need to learn to slow down. I mean literally, not in a "life's too short, smell the flowers" kind of way. When I'm walking I have a tendency to be distracted (as I do when I'm doing pretty much anything else), so I barrel through without watching where I'm going. In this cubicle maze that sort of thing could lead to serious injury. I actually did minorly hurt someone yesterday when I plowed through the bathroom door while they were standing on the other side (D'oh!). I've been a lot more careful since, but I still keep having to remind myself to slow down and pay attention whenever I venture out of my cubby.
Speaking of venturing out, it looks like I'm going to lunch today with CAG and the lady whom I replaced. I have fear that it will be awkward and weird, but I always have that fear, and as I get older I'm learning that to suffer a little awkwardness is not the end of the world. We're going for Chinese. Mmm, Chinese. Maybe if I can keep away from the rice and noodles and fried crap it won't devastate my diet. I also need to figure out which credit card I can fit this on, since my having any money in the bank is still four days away. Normally I would have used that as an excuse to get out of the lunch, but I told myself that I wouldn't hide from my co-workers at this job and that I would actually try to make some work friends for a change. Even if it means risking awkwardness.
UPDATE: Lunch is cancelled. I get to put off my forced extraversion for another day.
...a side of awkwardness...*snortsnortsnort*
Your way with words is always delightful. Think about this; how awkward was it to meet a complete and total unknown that you only knew from cyberland? And we did fine, yeah? You'll be great.
And step away from the fried stuff! We don't want no Sta-Puft Bride! Love you hon.
Oh, piffle. Hanging out with you wasn't awkward at all.
Actually, now you mention it, all my cons and fandom meet-ups have gone a long way towards getting me over my shyness. Yet another thing cyber-friends are excellent for.
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