He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

May 22, 2006

Time killer

Didn't I mention something about this week being the week I start cracking down on myself about the writing? Well, so far, so forgetful. Now would sure be a good time to have my writing here. Today got off to a busy start, but an hour in I'm already caught up and now I'm just waiting for CAG to catch up on her stuff so she can show me some new thing she said I need to know. And so I blither on to you folks.

I do have another project to fill my time, though--I'm supposed to call wedding chapels and B&Bs in Eureka Springs and gather more info to help us narrow it down. I'm aiming to have something booked by the end of this week. I'm also aiming to have engagement portraits taken and anouncements posted by the end of next month. Both of these things might be overly ambitious/hopeful of me, considering our track record so far, but at least things are moving in the right direction.

The weekend was filled with cleaning and TV and quality couch time with the boy. I spent three hours Saturday morning catching up on Grey's Anatomy (and another hour after that on ALIAS) and my heart still hurts. But at least this should mean good things for Papa Winchester. Side note: Jeffrey Dean Morgan has always reminded me of a boy I went to high school with. He was a senior, I was a freshman, he played the trombone in Marching Band while I played the alto sax, he gave me a ride to a solo practice session at his grannie's one day and gave me my first driving lesson to boot. My crush was short, but it was raging.


AND we're back. CAG's call came, and the lesson was short and sweet and easy to pick up. As I was saying, the weekend was, aside from all of the excitment on the television, pretty relaxed and uneventful. Apart from my TV catch-up, Matt and I Netflixed Heat and also watched some S4 Angel, specifically "Supersymmetry" and "Spin the Bottle". I'm sad to say that S4 isn't any better than I remembered so far, but then it's not any worse, either. I'm trying to hurry Matt through it so we can get to S5 and I can let him watch "Smile Time" so he'll finally understand my "Wee little puppet man" key ring. And also my propensity for shouting "Stupid plastic piece of crap!" whenever something doesn't work right.

I also did my very first ever Sudoku puzzle yesterday. Normally I do my best to avoid anyting involving having to think about numbers like I avoid anything else that can potentially cause migraines, but I saw the Sudoku in the Sunday paper and for once felt up to the challenge, and also wanted to prove to myself that I'm smart enough to tackle one of these. And it wasn't so bad. I wouldn't call myself addicted, but I was into it enough that Matt kept having to coax me to put it down and pay attention to Angel.

I should sign off now and update my desk procedures manual (which is now up to 3 pages) before I forget how to do what I just learned. I may or may not post later about some thoughts I have about prayer and practicality, depending on time and mood. And if I remember. In the meantime, I hope y'all's weekend was as relaxing as mine.


Anonymous said...

I found a book of sudoko puzzles that I actually was interested in. The book is called Wordoko - instead of 1 to 9, they use letters. Works just like sudoko (9 different letters in this case), but they also unscramble to make a different 9 letter word for each puzzle. My friends make fun of me, but I'm a word geek, not a numbers geek.

Jean Bauhaus said...

I've seen those. I've passed them up because I'm generally not much of a puzzle person--I guess because I don't often have that much time to kill. Maybe it's another "getting older" thing, but lately I'm finding that they're a good way to relax and engage my brain. Without the long-term commitment of, say, reading a book.

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