He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

June 1, 2006

Actual weekend plans. I know!

Another day, another pair of impractical footwear. I know, I know. I just don't learn. But they went so well with my outfit that I just couldn't pass them up. At least today looks to be a more liesurely kind of day.

Speaking of sore feet, last night I forced my tired dogs into a pair of walking shoes and went out and worked off that cookie. So no guilt here! I also brought a pair of 3lb. weights to the office so I can work on making my arms presentable for the wedding.

And speaking of wedding prep, I had a bit of an epiphany last night, which is that I need to be sure we don't get so focused on moving from one task to the next that we don't take time to savor the experience. I really never believed I would ever even have this whole wedding experience before I met Matt. We need to be careful not to get so focused on deadlines that we don't slow down and get all that we can out of this experience. And that's really too many instances of "experience" in one paragraph. Moving on...

Even though it's been a short work week, I'm so ready for the weekend to get here. Maybe it's because Matt's taking me to see X3 this weekend (for which I'm pretty completely unspoiled, except for the part that rips off Joss's Astonishing X-Men, but if they're gonna steal plots at least they're stealing from one of the best). Or maybe it's because this will be our first dinner-and-a-movie (well, more like lunch-and-a-matinee) date since... cheebus, I can't even remember the last time we were prosperous enough to eat out and see a movie. Or maybe it's because in between we're going to stop by Target and load up our gift registry. At any rate, I'm excited. Whee! <--See? Excitement!


Anonymous said...

Do relish this time. It is so special. Enjoy all the arrangements. Be happy. This is a special time in your life.

I just walked through our city's public gardens with my sweetheart of 27 years. Ain't love grand?

Anonymous said...

Ooops, it was bojojoti. Forgot I was a nonny mouse.

Jean Bauhaus said...

Hi and howdy! Heh, now the trick, I've discovered, is to get him to stop stressing and enjoy it with me.

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