He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

June 28, 2006

Because credit cards are evil. EEEEEEville!

John Mackenzie over at Adult ADD and Money shares his plan for paying off credit cards:

"I focused on the credit card with the smallest balance first and paid the minimum payment on the rest of the cards. Once I paid off a credit card I could take the monthly payment I was making to the paid off card and add it to the minimum payment that I was making on the card with the next smallest balance. Using this system I was able to pay down three credit cards in a little over a year."

It's so simple it's genius.

Now if I could just stop turning right around and maxing my cards out again right after I've made a payment... although I don't really see that happening until after the wedding.


Anonymous said...

you know, actually, financial planners recommend the same... except you want to focus on the credit card with the highest interest rate and/or highest balance first, instead of the other way around.


Jean Bauhaus said...

I've seen that way recommended before, but that's why John's way is such a "Eureka!" thing for me--paying off the smaller cards first promotes a sense of accomplishment which promotes the stick-with-it-ness necessary to tackle the larger balances. It's a much more ADD-friendly approach. And the bit about adding the monthly payment from one card to the minimum payment for another instead of considering that money free to spend elsewhere--that's something that never would have occurred to me without its being pointed out.

Anonymous said...

It took only a year? I wonder how much debt he was in. Because I imagine it'll take a lot longer for me. Still, good ideas.

Jean Bauhaus said...

I get the feeling he's single and childless, and thus able to devote more money to paying off the credit cards each month.

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