Your files, that is. So here's the good news: I have Internet at home now.
The rest is bad news: My computer went kerplooey. Saturday morning I was all psyched up to load up the Netscape Internet CD I'd picked up for free the night before. I flipped the switch on the power strip and watched as everythign powered up--except my PC tower, which made a bad, bad sparking noise and started to emit an acrid, burnt electrical smell.
Thankfully, I had copied all of my current writing projects to a floppy so I could bring them to work, else I'd have had quite the freak out. I think my older stuff got backed up at some point, too, although I can probably go ahead and let go of any latent notion of ever wrapping up my Butterfly Effect sequel, because I'm pretty sure that's gone now.
Also gone is the wedding inviation template I'd designed in Photoshop, along with Photoshop itself and all of my special fonts. Yes, I'd had PS on a disc, but I can't find that disc. Hopefully L'il Sis still has her copy. If not then I'd better start remembering how to use Paint Shop Pro.
So last night I dismantled my computer and assembled Matt's in its place, loaded up the internet, and spent the rest of the night downloading a driver for my printer, because I can't find that disc, either. Matt's computer is functional, for now, but it's getting to be elderly in computer years (it still runs Windows '98, fer cry-yi), so I have a feeling that we'll be saving up for a new one once the wedding's over and done with. Or putting one in layaway at Evil-Mart.
Speaking of which, I put a digital camera on layaway the other night. It's a Vivitar with 5 megapixels, whatever that means. It looks like a nice little camera for the price, and it's bound to take better pictures than the piece of crap cheap-ass digital camera I've been using for the last several years. I'm excited about that, and also about the prospect of dragging Matt with me next week to pick out a video camera to stash in layaway in the hopes of having it paid for in time for our trip.
Friday night's shopping excursion also resulted in another bathing suit for myself, this one providing even more coverage for all my wobbly bits, a cute pair of sunglasses that will stay safely in their bag until the honeymoon lest I break them or lose them before then (in the mean time I'll stick with my dollar store sunglasses, which I seem to have a much easier time of keeping up with, for some reason), and two pairs of swim trunks for Matt. One of them is red and sexy and he will look quite the hottie in them. That pair was a present for me.
The rest of the weekend, except for laundry and routine cleaning and a dull, persistant headache that I couldn't shake, was lazy and relaxing. I finished Proven Guilty, about which I mainly have to say that I'm with Thomas: Harry and Karrin are idiots. There's more, but it's all spoilery and speculative and I'll save it for another post. For now, I still have a headache, I'm still not completely awake, and I have a report to type that's full of engineering garble that is way beyond my ken. I think I'm going to need more coffee first. And some drugs. Sweet, blessed painkillers, to be precise.
In the meantime, big love and sympathy to Garnigal, who apparently just wrapped up a weekend from hell. Hopefully she's too busy sleeping to see this.
1 comment:
Thanks for the sympathy! When I finally got home, all I could do was fall in bed unconcious. I'm starting to get back to normal now - just in time to head up to the cottage for the Canada Day long weekend with my friends at the cottage.
Something else to screw with my sleeping patterns. Yay!
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