He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

June 19, 2006

Of sinus woes, shopping, and quesadillas.

I have fuzzy-brain today. Not sure why--I got plenty of sleep last night and I don't feel sick or allergic or anything. Still a little pouty over losing my ring auction, but you wouldn't think that would cause brain-fog. I ate lunch and took my brain vitamins and made myself a cup of chai spice tea. Maybe my head will clear up soon as a result. *sips tea*

Actually, now that I've mentioned it, my sinuses do feel a bit stuffy. I think I've found the culprit. *washes down Sudafed Sinus with more tea*

I'm not rushing to bid on any of my back-up choice rings, having discovered that I don't like any of them nearly so well as I did when I thought I wouldn't really have to settle on any of them. I'm going to wait a while and see if anything else catches my fancy the way that first one did. Maybe I'll go ahead and leave it up to Matt to pick one out and surprise me. At least now he's seen how my tastes run.

Anyway. The weekend was good. Friday night I only ended up working until a quarter past 6, after which I went to the mall where I procured a very flattering new honeymoon-cruise-worthy bathing suit, the new Dresden novel, a Chinese paper lantern for my dining nook (or possibly bedroom, I haven't decided yet), and, speaking of Chinese, a yummy, yummy egg roll. I also stopped by Victoria's Secret to see if they had a gift registry for my bachelorette lingerie shower. In case you were wondering, they don't. Just as well, as I didn't really love anything I saw in there, anyway.

The rest of my weekend was spent mostly reading said novel, interrupted now and then by stints of cleaning and eating and ring-bidding and putting fringe on a shawl and Farscape and Battlestar Galactica viewing with Matt. On 'Scape he's finally up to Scorpius, which makes me stupidly happy. He's also witnessed John's first full-blown crazy. I managed not to warn him to get used to it.

I'm still working through the novel. I'll probably have plenty to say about it when I'm finished.

Oh, and I have to mention the breakfast quesadilla I threw together for brunch the other day, inspired by watching Sandra Lee semi-homemake these prosciutto & goat cheese quesadillas. Mine were nothing like hers, but they were still pretty damn good, and involved scrambled egg(white)s with lime-cilantro salsa and Canadian bacon layered under two strips of turkey bacon, sauteed bell pepper slices and provolone, folded in a whole wheat tortilla and lightly fried in olive oil until the tortilla got crispy and the cheese got melty. 'Twas yum.

And now my head is clear, mostly. The Sudafed must be working.

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