He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

June 15, 2006

Some randomness...

Haven't done one of these in a while.

* Google Reader is my new friend. It's like an FList for the whole internet with none of the high school style politics [/bitter]. It's still in beta so all of the kinks aren't worked out yet, but it sure makes all of my blog surfing less obvious to passersby outside my cubicle.

* I'm getting sick of my homemade turkey/swiss/whole wheat Ritz cracker lunchables, and also of being cooped up in an office all day, so I think I'm going out for lunch today, even if it's just to run down to the Taco Bueno drive through and pick up some Zone-friendly soft tacos. Ooh, or better yet, I may hit Wendy's for a bowl of chili and a salad. Hmmm...

* Crap, now I'm hungry.

* After much debate with myself, I added a counter tracker to this page (scroll to the bottom to see it, you sexy visitor, you). That kind of goes against the whole "I blog for me" mission statement of this blog, but at least now when I don't post anything comment-worthy I can still tell if anybody's still looking, or if I scared everybody away with my religious babbling.

* Which, if that's the case, then I can feel free to get as religious as I like (don't worry, I don't like to get very religious very often) and post links like this one to some downloadable sermons by Matt's pastor friend whose teaching we both enjoy.

* Speaking of Matt--the number of inches that it's acceptable to leave the window open is, I admit, a stupid thing to argue about, at least on the surface. But when you have cats and flimsy window screens and are up two-and-a-half stories from the ground, I think it merits some discussion, especially when talking about leaving it open overnight while said cats will be unsupervised. For the record, the maximum that will let me enjoy anxiety-free sleep is four inches.

* Last night I dreamed that Anthony Bourdain died of a heart attack, and only after my family was summoned to his funeral did I realize that he was my long lost cousin Tony whom I hadn't seen since I was wee, and I felt really bad for never recognizing him when I watched his show. Analyze that one as you will.

* I'm still hungry. Mmm, chili salad.


Anonymous said...

You crack me up. And I lurk about much more often than I comment, my bad.


Jean Bauhaus said...

Oh, no worries. I just thought it a little suspicious that everybody stopped commenting right after I tried to get deep. For the last week it's just been me and the crickets.


Anonymous said...

I came over to be counted!

Actually, I read your blog through a feed on LJ, so you can have lurkers without them being counted.

It is your blog. Feel free to be as deep or spiritual as you wish. If you can't be you in your own blog, who would you want to be?


Jean Bauhaus said...

LJ Feed subscribers are accounted for. I was actually under the impression that you guys constituted my entire readership. I'm seeing now that that's not quite the case, but it's close...

Speaking of, I heard a rumor that there's a way to incorporate LJ cuts into Blogger posts so that they show up in the feed. If any of you LJ folks are fed up enough with my long posts and/or exposed spoilers to scout out those instructions for me, I'd be much obliged.

Anonymous said...

Crap, now I'm hungry.

And whoa. My drabbles are linked on your page. That is so freaking cool!

Love ya!

Jean Bauhaus said...

Hee! Now (*checks counter*) 21 extra people know about your drabbles. I hope all the power doesn't go to my head. ;)

Sadly, drabbles are about all the fic I have time to read these days. So I'm especially pleased when I come across some memorable ones.

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