So that whole writing whingefest the other day was brought to you by the letters P, M and S. I'm starting to feel my normal self again.
Now if that right there wasn't TMI enough for ya, brace yourselves for more:
I have to go to the female-bits-doctor soon, apparently, and some of you may be shocked to learn that I've never been to one of those before, so I'm more than a little apprehensive about the whole thing. I've never been sexually active with anyone and I've never had any problems with the plumbing, so I've just never felt any particular need to get checked out down there.
But last night my sister pointed out that if I plan to be on birth control once I'm married, then I'd better start taking it soon. And to do that I first have to go get my womanly parts examined. And then she so helpfully went into graphic detail about exactly what that entails, but I'll spare you any of that business. Suffice to say it's got me considering the viability of OTC contraceptives and even considering the possibility of asking Matt if he minds if we just stay celibate until we're ready for babies.
Yeah, yeah, I know. I need to just suck it up and go, because it's way past time that I did so, and it's a bullet that I'm going to have to bite sooner or later, and I might as well make it sooner and get it over with. And when the time comes I'll just lie back and think of England.
Sweetie, I don't know exactly what your sister told you, but it really isn't that bad. If you let your dr. know that you have never been examined before, he/she will be extremely gentle. You have my email if you want further reassurance.
You kill me. "lie back and think of England." Like you're the Queen Mum.
I prefer a female gynecologist. Males ones don't tend to warm up the speculum or think about things like that.
No real pain involved, except for the embarrassment factor.
Yeah, about trying to remain celibate. Do you know what you call a couple who plan on being celibate and foregoing birth control?
Snerk. Parents. That's... scary.
As prone as I am here to oversharing, I'm actually much too embarrassed to be anything but appalled by the idea of talking about it. I figure I'm best off going in imagining and expecting the worst. That way I'll either be prepared, or I'll be pleasantly let down by the reality.
But thanks for the offer, and if I get scared and change my mind I'll be in touch. *HUGS!*
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