He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

July 26, 2006

Maybe she should have called it Polygon

Jane E. on titles:
"I wrote an episode which dealt a little bit with a love triangle. I called it "Triangle." Total failure of a title. The love triangle part of the script wasn't highlighted enough to make this work. People still ask me where the heck the triangle was hiding in that episode."

That surprises me. I agree that the title probably isn't the best one she could have come up with for that episode, but I thought it was relevant to plenty of what was going on in the ep. My question was never "where is the love triangle," but rather "which triangle is it referring to?" We had Anya/Xander/Willow competing for equal time with Xander/Anya/Olaf, plus, even though Marc Blucas was gone by that point, there were still lingering traces of Riley/Buffy/Spike. Did the people who gave Jane grief about her title actually pay attention to the episode? Weird.


Today I'm actually feeling somewhat clear-headed and slightly more energetic than a three-toed sloth. Again I say: weird. Methinks I need to take advantage of this strange and wondrous not-totally-run-down sensation. It's keen.

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