He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

August 17, 2006

Fight the power!

Well, it's a done deal: as of yesterday I'm an official [Anonymous Engineering Firm] employee. It felt like getting made. You should have seen me strutting back from the HR office, brandishing the shiny red company logo mug and pen (also shiny and red) that they gave me as welcome gifts. Okay, I didn't really strut. But I was all swagger on the inside.

I have a very tall stack of paperwork to fill out. I had to call and move my dental cleaning appointment to the week before my wedding, because I'll be without insurance until September 1. I'll also be without a significant paycheck until September 11, and that's... really, really bad timing, considering all the things I still need to buy for the wedding and the trip, not to mention bills and groceries and whatall. But I've been saving spending money for the trip, so I suppose I can use that to help get past the squeeze, and then pay myself back once I get my first company paycheck. Which at least I'll be getting before the cruise.

Speaking of, at least I got Discover to raise my credit limit so we can pay for our excursions. Not without a bit of a fight, natch. When I called to check the status of my request and they told me it was declined, I asked to speak to the department in charge of these things, and asked them why. When they pointed out a couple of items on my credit report, I pointed out in turn that those were there when I applied, so then why did they approve me for the higher limit in the first place? She goes, "We did? Let me check on that." Then she came back and said that I was right (gee, thanks), and how much did I need again? I told her that the full limit they offered me in the first place would be nice, but barring that I need at least a thousand more, and pointed out that I was going on my honeymoon next month and, frankly, was on the verge of freaking out. So she split the difference and bumped me up to a thousand less than their original offer. Good enough. Sometimes polite persistence pays off. You gotta question the man, yo.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job, Jeanie! Whoo!

Jean Bauhaus said...

"Whoo" is right! Thanks, sweetie!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! That it just...neat!

Hopefully I'll have some similar good news as well. Time will tell.


Jean Bauhaus said...

Thanks, sweetie! And I'm crossing my fingers for you.

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