He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

August 4, 2006

Gasoline blues & credit blahs

I've noticed that the sleepier/more tired I am, the lower my voice goes. I just got off the phone with a new accounts rep with Discover, and I'm pretty sure the entire conversation I sounded like a man. Or a phone sex operator. Or possibly a phone sex tranny.


I applied (and got approved) for a low-limit gas rewards card for Matt and I to use exclusively at the pump, on the theory that this will help us both track our gas spending and save a few dollars a month on gas. I asked for the lowest limit they could give me, which is low enough that we can pay it off every month, even if we max it out. Now here's hoping gas prices won't become so astronomical that said limit will be too low to cover our monthly supply.

And now, since my efforts to pay down my other credit cards won't be constantly thwarted by turning right around and using them to buy gas until they're both maxed out again, maybe I can actually make some headway towards paying them off. That probably most definitely still won't happen until after the honeymoon, but it stands a better chance of happening now than it did before. I think it's a step in the right direction, at any rate.

I'm probably going to be sticking mostly to straight blogging for awhile, assuming my circle of the blogosphere remains interesting enough to share, or Youtube keeps managing to make me laugh. I feel the need to shy away from talking about my life for a while because I'm in a very whiney place right now. Most of it is stuff I've already whined about before and some of it is stuff I just have no business sharing. Suffice to say that I'm very very tired, and very very stressed, but I know I'm not more tired or stressed than many other people tend to be on a regular basis, and I have to just suck it up and get things done. And so I shall.


Anonymous said...

Honey, I hug you and I squeeze you and I call you George. Because I loves you!!!

Stress happens, particularly when one is preparing for wedded bliss.

I spit on your stress *ptooie*. We shall speak of it no more.

It's Friday George!

Manoah, your annoyingly perky pal!

Anonymous said...

Planning for a wedding is a sure road to Uber-Stressville.

Try to get the necessary sleep and not overdo. Take care of yourself and try not to get too crazy about the wedding.


Jean Bauhaus said...

Thanks for the support, guys. It really means a lot. {{{manoah & bojojoti}}}

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