He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

August 7, 2006

Have a schpedoinkle day

We watched Cannibal: The Musical yesterday. The songs aren't quite as catchy as South Park: BL&U, but maybe that's only because they're sung by Gold Rush era miners instead of cuddly animated eight-year-olds.

I'm feeling a little better about everything. Friday I made some calls and did some Google research to get some deadlines for various things like reserving tuxedos and ordering cakes. All of the wedding magazines and advice sites and pre-published task lists say you have to take care of these things months in advance, so I was freaking out that we haven't gotten them done yet. But those lists and advice must apply to big coastal cities or something. Here in small town middle America there's no need to be in such a hurry. As long as we place our orders in the next few weeks we'll be fine. Really, all of our planning is pretty on schedule. I'd rather be ahead of schedule so we could take some time off and relax, but this is better than being behind, so I'll take it.

Spent the weekend racking up checkmarks on my To Do list. Among other things, I dragged my cat-pee scented luggage out to the driveway and hosed it off with my mom's new pressure washer. That would have been a much more miserable and heat-stroke-inducing chore had it not been for the backspray keeping me tolerably cool. Bleah, I hate summer.

Also, I made my veil. It took about two hours (one if I discount the time my mom and I spent futzing about with the length and deciding where to place the gather) and only reinforced my belief that anybody who pays scads of money for one of these things is a sucker (and if that applies to you, well... sorry). It was so easy and required no sewing skill whatsoever beyond the fundamental ability to string thread through a needle. And it turned out really pretty. I was planning to embellish the edges with some Swarovski topaz beads, but once I tried it on I decided it's just so simply pretty and elegant without them, and they would just disappear into the beadwork on my dress anyway. I still need to attach some bridal loop--I was going to sew on a comb but I decided this stuff would work better with my planned hairstyle and allow me to just bobby pin it on. I'm not really much of a headpiece person (I'm DEFINITELY not a tiara person), so all of the bling on my head is going to be blinged-out bobby pins and/or barrettes.

ANyway. So that's done. Next Saturday my mom and I will go shopping for her dress and my accessories and various odds & ends. That'll get a lot more done.

Finally, remember how I rejected Discover's offered high limit and asked for a really low one instead? Now I'm trying to get the limit raised back up. We picked out our ship-to-shore excursions over the weekend, and really, there's no other way for us to pay for them. Which probably means we shouldn't do them, but we figured, how often are we going to get the opportunity to do things like swim with dolphins or skim a sting-ray filled lagoon in a helicopter or hike through Mayan ruins? "Not very" is the answer, if you're us. We're not thrilled with adding to our debt, but it's a worthwhile cause. Plus we figure it would be a good idea to have some extra credit available for emergencies. The trick, of course, will be not identifying "emergencies" as "really awesome duty-free gift shop items."


Anonymous said...

Yay! for checkmarks. Feels good to get those items ticked off I bet.

You realize of course that I'm going to need to see pictures of this lovely event!


Anonymous said...

As for the duty-free shops, meh. Honestly, unless you are talking big ticket items, you are better off buying at your local Macy's or whatever. I never saw any great bargains there.

However, you can find all kinds of fun things to buy in local shops away from the duty-free tourist traps. Are you going to Cancun? Mayan ruins plus dolphins made me wonder. If so, don't drink the water unless your hotel is in an approved area. And don't drink iced drinks in other places. Don't want Montezuma's revenge on your honeymoon.

You are going to have such an awesome time.


Jean Bauhaus said...

Manoah -- Trust me, there will be pictures. I actually keep meaning to post pics of all my wedding craft projects, too, now that I've got my new camera. I just keep putting it off because I still have to install the software.

Bojojoti -- Dolphins in Jamaica, helicopters and stingrays in Grand Cayman and ruins in Cozumel/Playa del Carmen. I forgot about that whole verboten water thing. I'm betting we'll be able to stock up on plenty of bottled water on our ship before the jungle hike. Yeah, I think we will have an awesome time...if we can just figure out how to pay for it.

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