He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

August 1, 2006

Here's a bit of awesomeness (continuing the invitation saga).

After eating my lunch I ventured to the post office to try returning the $40 excess of stamps that they talked me into the other day. While there I learned two fresh and exciting new ways in which the USPS sucks: one, they don't refund stamps, even after they talk you into buying $40 worth more than you initially ask for or need; two, you can't buy sixty-three cent wedding series stamps on their own--they only come on sheets accompanied by an equal number of thirty-nine cent ones, and separating them is verboten.

I learned this latter thing while standing in line and eavesdropping on another bride who was at the window trying to buy only 60 sixty-three cent wedding stamps. When she gave up and started to walk away in frustration sans stamps, the Spirit of Bridal Determination overcame me and banished my usual shyness, prompting me to jump out of line and accost her. After my shouts of "Excuse me! Hey! Excuse me!" got her to turn and look at me like a crazy lady, I launched into the explanation that I just happened to have the exact number of sixty-three cent wedding stamps that she needs, and they're useless to me, and I was there to return them. At this the postal lady behind the counter oh-so-helpfully piped up to point out that they don't give refunds on stamps. Long story short (too late!), I offered to sell my stamps directly to the other bride, thus solving both our problems, and she agreed. Is that not cool?

So now my invitations have stamps on them. Alas, only when I was about to deliver them to the mailroom did I realize that they don't have return address labels. *headdesk*

Tonight, that will be rectified. Tomorrow, they will be mailed. Really. Yes they will. Shut up.


Anonymous said...

Dude. Just, dude.

*is very glad my wedding is long overwith*

Anonymous said...

Ummm, that was me up there "dude-ing" you.

*stupid login button*


Anonymous said...

Good for you, overcoming your shyness. You helped another bride and yourself.

I am so glad my wedding is 26 years behind me!


Jean Bauhaus said...

Manoah -- heh, right? I don't think a day's gone by yet that I haven't wished we'd just decided to elope.

Bojojoti -- I don't know what came over me. Normally I would have just let it go and then cursed myself later for not having the chutzpa to speak up. I don't think I've quite become a Bridezilla (yet), but planning this thing has definitely had an effect on my personality. I think mostly in that I'm just too tired to care what anybody thinks of me.

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