He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

August 15, 2006

If you blog about them, they will come

So I can see from my visitor stats that OF COURSE the one day I bitch about my sister is the day she chooses to start reading my blog (I was actually whining about our mom, but I'm sure she won't see it that way). I think my uppance has come. Let this be a lesson to us all.


Anonymous said...

Eek! Makes me glad I haven't shared my LJ with any family. Except my son and daughter, but I could never keep anything from them anyway.

Guess you could write something complimentary about her now. Just a thought.


Jean Bauhaus said...

Right? That's one thing I miss about LJ, the whole locking and filtering thing. That was sure convenient.

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