He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

August 1, 2006

More Girlie TMI / Morning Quickie

The doctor's appointment went better than anticipated, considering she didn't really do anything. Since I qualify as low risk for any major health problems, she decided there wasn't any harm in letting me wait till next year to do a full exam to give me time to get over the whole being a virgin thing. So she just checked my girls over for lumps, wrote me a Rx for the pill, and sent me on my way -- with a warning that the pill could make me nauseous while my body adjusts, but so far that hasn't happened. Maybe it needs to build up in my system a little first. Or maybe I'll luck out and it won't upset my stomach at all. *crosses fingers*

At any rate, I'm now on birth control. Apart from the relative assurance that Matt and I won't reproduce unless/until we're good and ready, I'm kicking back and waiting for all those clear skin and easy period benefits that it's supposed to bring. Those things will be very nice indeed.


I busted my hump to get here a little early this morning so I could make sure the folks attending today's all-day meeting had plenty of coffee to get them started, only to find that CAG was way ahead of me. I should have known she'd be on top of things--that girl is efficient, yo. So I've got a backlog of filing and paperwork to keep me busy until it's time to set up lunch. The good thing about this mega-meeting is that I get free lunch for the next three days. Not that that's so good for my diet, but still, nice.

Li'l sis is doing better. She's home and resting. Mom kept Ash yesterday so she could just go to bed and sleep all day. She seems to be recovering, on every level. That kid's always been resilient.

And now I've eaten breakfast, so I'd best get to work.


Anonymous said...

Oh, yay! You lived. The first time is always a bit uncomfortable/embarrassing. When I went to the gyno pre-wedding, they couldn't even check me. Told me to come back later after I'd been married for a while. Still sent a bill. :/

Sorry if that's TMI. *hugs*

Jean Bauhaus said...

Hee, not any moreso than my TMI. She didn't come out and say so, but I got the feeling that that was the reason and she didn't even want to try until I'd been sexually active for a while. She just said to come back next year. I left feeling like I'd dodged a bullet.

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