He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

August 30, 2006

My other superpower is a withering glare.

It must be because Monday was such a long day, but I keep thinking it's much later in the week than it really is. All day long yesterday I thought it was Wednesday, despite constant reminders that it was, indeed, only Tuesday. Then this morning upon waking I actually thought to myself, "It's okay, it's Friday. Tomorrow you get to sleep in." Followed immediately by "Wait... crap." And I still can't convince my mind that it's only Wednesday. This week seems to be taking forever.

I suppose I need to make my final wedding To Do list. That always seems to make time speed up to almost non-existent. Neat how I can affect the laws of space-time with a single, panic-inducing list. Can I count that as a super power?

Speaking of (wedding tasks, that is, not super powers), we got N2's tux reserved, and all of the nephews look to be on board to come to the wedding and only mildly offended at making up the B list after pretty much everybody on Matt's half of the invite list either declined to attend or failed to RSVP. Man, people suck. If you want to draw a connection between that last statement and the one before it, feel free. I'm just sayin'. Anyway, adding the nephews to the list has added a whole new layer of complications to the driving logistics, not to mention family politics, but I'm pleased as spiked punch that they get to come.

Speaking of Matt, he's got a check-up today that he's a little apprehensive about (as am I--without going into detail, there are a couple of things that have come up recently that are probably nothing, but could be SOMETHING, and considering his history, even the slightest chance of SOMETHING is scary). So if you could send any prayers/healthy vibes/normal blood sugar thoughts his way, they will be appreciated.

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