He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

August 14, 2006

Weekend Ramble

I just spilled cereal all over the floor beneath my desk. I didn't just dump the bowl, mind. No, I catapulted a big spoonful into the floor by somehow flipping my spoon out of the bowl as I was trying to take a bite. I may be clumsy, but at least I'm clumsy with flair.

Now that's cleaned up, here's the weekend doin's.

Expect a GAP (Gratuitous Auntie Post) as soon as I get around to installing the digital camera software. Nephew #2 brought Baby Dakotah over this weekend. It was the first time I've seen her since the one hospital visit, and I got to hold her for the first time ever. She's adorable, people, and also very healthy. She's still a little small for her age, but she's doing her best to make up for it in baby fat. I took about a million pictures of her (and one of Ash, who was also there, and who forgot to scream "No pictures!" and run and hide like some kind of paparazzi-harrassed child star long enough to ham it up for one great shot), and I'll be inflicting the choice shots upon you soon enough.

The rest of my Saturday (all the rest of it; we headed out at 1:30 PM and didn't get back home until almost 11) was spent wedding-shopping with Mom and Li'l Sis (Ash stayed behind with my aunt, which turned out to be an excellent decision, considering how long it took us without adding a cranky three-year-old to the mix). I'm going to be gracious and adult and not whine about being ignored by my mom while she kept wandering off to lavish attention on my sister, especially considering all that Sis has been through lately (...what? Okay, fine. But I mean, really, you guys. Yes, she's been through a lot of hell lately and is in need of some pampering, and I don't begrudge her that, and I wouldn't complain at all if not for the fact that this is par for the course, and has more to do with her baby-of-the-family status than anything else, and she's already had a lot of pampering and attention bestowed upon her by all of us and yes, I feel like a bitch for even thinking so, considering what she's been through, but still, can't I have ONE DAY with these women that's actually at least somewhat about me seeing as how I'm, y'know, THE BRIDE, and can't I say so quietly to my mom away from prying ears without being told to stop being a Bridezilla? Which show, by the way, she has lost her priveleges to watch anymore? Anyway...).

Where was I? Oh, right. Shopping. So Li'l Sis is doing much better. She's still a little sore from the surgery and rebuilding her strength and had to take a lot of breaks to rest, but for the most part she did fine and we all had a lovely time. We found her an awesome Little Black Dress that looks great under her wedding poncho and will remain useful far beyond the wedding. We also found my mom a pretty mother-of-the-bride dress that coordinates with my color scheme. And I really shouldn't complain, because what my mom failed to spend on me in attention she made up for in money, spending a ridiculous amount on quality makeup products for me to use on the big day, as well as buying my jewelry, stockings, and even a "Just Married" tank-top, just because. She also picked up the tab on Sis's dress, coordinating jewelry and shoes.

Speaking of shoes, damn you, Payless, you and your irresistible clearance prices! I was supposed to spend my extra money this week on clothes to wear on the cruise, but, well.... Shoes count as clothes, right? I don't really feel bad, though, because I needed a dressier pair of brown flats for work. And I also needed a pair of athletic/deck/hiking shoes for the trip, and the fact that I found them in a cute Mary Jane style is just a bonus. Maybe I didn't really need the pretty flower-embroidered espadrilles that I also picked up, but for seven bucks on clearance nobody's going to begrudge me having them. Annoyingly, not a single pair that I bought is on display at Payless.com, but at least I can show you the pair Sis picked out for the wedding.

In craft project news, I finished off my veil, woo! I also made peace with the fact that tiny, delicate things and I are non-mixy and started my garter over in a larger, more weildy yarn. This might turn out to be one fugly garter, but it's too soon yet to tell.

And that's my weekend. Matt worked all weekend, so between that and the shopping I didn't get to see much of him, bah. I probably should have worked in more relaxation time, but I got to check a lot of things off the monster To Do list, and that's pretty rejuvenating right there. Now it's almost lunch time, which means Wal-Mart, because I'm low on cereal and out of milk. And possibly my grapes went bad over the weekend (in the no longer edible kind of way, not in a "everybody's gone from the office, let's rock this fridge and PAR-TAY!" kind of way, but you probably already guessed that).

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