He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

September 15, 2006

11 days of darkness (for the blog; 11 days of sunny bliss for me)

Last night I overcame my phone phobia long enough to have a lengthy and lovely conversation with the equally lovely (but not so much with the lengthy ;) Fenwic. Topics dished included my husband (I love saying that--my husband my husband my husband), imaginary boyfriends both former and present, her travels, various cons, and mucho television. I realized that without an LJ Flist telling me what to do anymore, I have no idea what's even on this fall, let alone what I should watch, but I also realized that I'm going to do good to keep up with the shows I'm already invested in anyway, so I probably don't need to add anything new to this year's lineup.

I also realized that I need to set the Tivo, because it's that time and I won't be home for the following premieres:
  • TAR10
  • Gray's Anatomy
  • Desperate Housewives
  • Gilmore Girls

    Also, I missed (but Tivo'd) last night's Survivor premiere. Ditto the Rock Star: Supernova finale. And there is no way I'll be able to watch them before I leave, unless of course I make my reception guests sit down and watch them with me tonight, but I think they're more interested in seeing the wedding video, so. I'm going to need to schedule myself a week off after the honeymoon just so's I can catch up on all my telly-watching. But since that's probably not actually doable, I guess I'll just have to be behind for a while. Maybe during the holiday hiatus I'll get all caught up and then I can watch the second half of the season in real time. Here's hoping.

    I guess this whole being at least a week behind on television thing is going to seriously hinder my TWoP habit, but that's okay, because my TWoP habit seriously hinders my writing, which I intend to get serious about once again upon my return. For rilly serious this time. I mean it. Shut up, I do! Starting as soon as I catch back up on my actual office work, my downtime will involve a lot less Google Readerin' and a whole lot more writin'. Yes.

    But in the mean time I'm outie for a whole entire week of sun, surf, sand and smoochies.

    Love to all. Behave yourselves while I'm gone, 'kay?

    Anonymous said...

    It was wonderful talking to you, darling ceej :) I know I can be even more me-me-me over the phone, but I'm working on it! So thanks for calling/letting me call, heh. I'm hoping we can talk/chat more often. Let me know how the YIM/AIM thing works out, mmmkay?

    Meantime, have a fabulous cruise! Talk to you soon :)

    Anonymous said...

    Man, do we have to behave? I'm sure you won't! I'm going to spend the entire time you are away wondering "I wonder what Jean and Matt are doing now? I bet they are having a great time. I wish I could go on a cruise..."

    Anyway, have a good trip!

    Jean Bauhaus said...

    Fenwic--Well, considering you're not all that "me-me-me" in your very own LJ, it was nice to hear what's going on with you. I miss you, chica! I'll give you another call soon.

    garnigal--Hee. The phrase "don't do anything I wouldn't do" generally covers a lot of ground when I'm the one saying it, but on this trip we managed to loosen up and have a lot of fun. You should go on a cruise! I definitely recommend it.

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