He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

October 10, 2006

One Thousand and Counting

This here blog o' mine has had over a thousand visits since I started counting a few months ago. I know that's not a thousand visitors, it's just the same handful of people coming back on a regular basis, plus the odd wanderer here and there. It's a very unimpressive number. In the blog ocean, I'm a lowly minnow, and I kind of like it that way. But still, it's a bigger number than I expected, and that's pretty cool, too. So thanks to all who have stuck around, for whatever reason, as I try to find my footing. It's comforting to see all those familiar IPs roll through my site tracker day after day. I promise to do my best to make it worth your while.


Anonymous said...

I don't always comment, but I'm always reading!


Jean Bauhaus said...

Manoah -- I know, sweetums, and the same thing applies to me and your LJ. Love ya!

Dwight -- Bwah! Dude, do you know what is totally NOT a pretty sight? A redhead after a workout, that's what. You're talking about a bright pink, splotchy, frizzy-headed mess. Nobody wants to see those pictures, trust me.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I read on LJ and never make it over here. If other people do that, your count is low.

Jean Bauhaus said...

Last time I checked the LJ stats, there were a whopping 8 people who had my site feed friended, and that's always the number I start wtih. What surprises me are the number of people in addition to the LJ readers who are keeping up with the blog.

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