My right bottom eyelid keeps twitching. It's been doing it in fairly regular intervals since I got to work this morning. Also, my jaw has come unhinged on the right side. It's been that way for a few days, but when I woke up this morning it had actually worked itself back into place overnight, and it hurt like... like a really hurty thing. It's still too early in my day for creative metaphors. But by the time I got to work it had dislocated again, which actually made it feel better. And in other old lady aches & pains news, my tailbone hurts when I walk. I am falling apart.
I blame the fact that I haven't run at all this week. I have excellent intentions of going to run, and I keep bringing my gym bag to work with me to back up those intentions, but the universe is conspiring to keep it from happening. This week has been and continues to be insane, and between having to work through lunches and stay late to get things done, it's just not happening. Every time I think it's going to happen, something comes up to make it impossible.
Clearly, God doesn't want me to run.
Even so, since I already have overtime this week and I have to come in early tomorrow anyway, I might tempt fate and try taking a long lunch today so that I can get in both my errands and a workout. And then maybe I won't explode from all the work stress.
And don't even ask me about my writing. This week, I don't get to be a writer. Although, I did manage to come up with a decent hook paragraph to run through Miss Snark's next Crap-o-meter, so that's something. I'm not stressing too much about the lack of actual writing. I'm working on the outline, and by the time NaNo comes around I ought to have all of my plot structure and a handful of good scenes in place to get me started.
And now it's time to take my twitchy, achey self and go get ready to greet the caterers. It'll be tough, but I think I can make it without the benefit of a walking cane.
1 comment:
Ha. Ha ha. Ha. Sigh.
Yeah. Would that that were actually the culprit. I think the much less sexy true culprit is that bit I got to keep from grinding my teeth. But the jaw's finally starting to stay in place and feel better, so maybe there's some wocka-chicka in my future after all.
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