He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

July 19, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: The "Nerdier Than Thou" Edition

Look, ma! I'm participating!

Thirteen Things you might not already know about why Jean's a giant nerd:

1…. I was first chair alto sax in high school, from the day I finally won it in 9th grade until I graduated, much to the relief of the second chair.

2…. I can also play the harmonica, although I'm no John Popper.

3…. I didn't eat my first sushi until about two years ago, when my husband took me to a sushi restaurant when we first started dating. I didn't know how to eat half of it, and I couldn't handle the chopsticks, and even though I'm pretty sure I embarrassed him, he was very patient with me and had a good sense of humor about it, thereby increasing my already growing suspicion that this was the guy for me. My love for both Husband and sushi has continued to blossom to this day.

4…. I once thought I was a fairly hard-core Trekker. Then I attended my first (and only) Star Trek convention and learned that I was but a lowly padawan (wrong universe, but you get my meaning). Since then, I've grown kinda "meh" about Trek, although I still have a warm, squishy place in my heart for the original series, TNG and DS9.

5…. Speaking of me being a giant nerd, I only stood in line for four hours for the first midnight showing of The Phantom Menace, yet somehow I still got interviewed by a local TV news reporter doing a story on the crazed fans. I mean, other people stood in line for like a month. I don't think four hours made me that crazed.

6…. Except that it would have been more like four days if the theater management hadn't barred us from the premises.

7…. I didn't visit a foreign country until I was twenty-five.

8…. I didn't visit another one after that until my honeymoon last year.

9…. I used to be completely obsessed with the Joker. To that effect, I even built a fairly popular (by those days' standards of popularity, which were definitely not today's standards) fan site about him.

10…. But that's nothing compared to the nerd points I racked up in Buffy fandom, in which I attended two fan conventions, wrote several novels' worth of fan fiction, wrote several academic papers, one of which I even submitted to Slayage for consideration, collected action figures, built web sites, moderated discussion forums, and spent countless hours on IM debating the shows' intricacies with fellow fans.

11…. I still have a sizeable Star Wars toy collection. I wanted to decorate our kitchen with it. Husband said please no.

12…. At the end of the month I'm dragging Husband with me to attend the Buffy Sing-a-long, and I'm so excited I just might pee my pants.

13…. And I'm not even going to get into my whole Phantom of the Opera phase.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. The Rock Chick

2. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


The Rock Chick said...

Hey, band girls aren't nerdy! They ROCK!!

If it's any consolation, I still don't know how to eat sushi :)

Happy TT!
Jessic The Rock Chick

Jean Bauhaus said...

Heh, I didn't say I learned HOW to eat it. I still have trouble getting it all into my mouth before it falls apart. I do love it, though.

We do indeed rock.

Amanda said...

Wow! Another person who loves TNG and DS9. I love meeting people like you....its rare these days.

Jean Bauhaus said...

I do. Although I haven't watched an ep of either in years. But I adore TNG, and I think DS9 is, artistically speaking, arguably the best series of them all.

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