He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

August 14, 2007

Serenity: Collector's Edition Out August 21st!

The Serenity: Collector's Edition comes out next Tuesday. I thought I could live without it, but after checking out this guide to the DVD's new extras, I think I pretty much have to have it. New extras include cast commentary by Nathan, Adam, Summer and Ron, as well as the "Session 416" River interview videos that I was so disappointed were left off of the old one.

I also like this cover much, MUCH more than the original U.S. version (which, by the by, is available on Amazon for a mere $9.99), and the fact that River looks like River and not like a contestant for America's Next Top Model. This new cover is actually very pretty, in addition to being appropriate. Sweet.

If the price tag seems a bit rich, you could take a page from me and enter for a chance to win a copy just by spreading the word. I know I'm increasing my competition by posting this link, but such is my Serenity love that I don't mind. Spread the love, people!
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