He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

February 4, 2008

LOST really is a good name for this show.

It's back, and I'm more confused about what the heck is going on than ever. But there were plenty of moments to love, and a whole new mystery to not get any real answers about, and I'm still totally JJ's bitch.

In other news from the Slusho-verse, we met up with a friend of Husband's to see Cloverfield again this weekend. This time, I made Husband stop at a drug store so I could get some Bonine to take before the movie started. Also this time, I tossed my Otis Spunkmeyer a third of the way through. I'll spare you most of the details, other than to say I tried to make it to the bathroom first, but didn't quite. The custodial crew was overjoyed with me, as you can well imagine.

I'm not sure whether the moral of this story is that Bonine doesn't do a dadgum thing for shaky-cam sickness, or that you shouldn't have coffee and a cookie right before going to endure a shaky-cam movie, or both. But if we try to see it a third time, I'm bringing along a barf bag.

I hope you weren't eating anything when you read this post.

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