He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

December 21, 2005

Bah to the bah

I'm currently lunching on tofu "egg" salad, which is surprisingly tasty. The tofu is close enough in texture and consistency to mashed eggs that once you mix in all the spices and mayo and such you can't really tell the difference. Of course, my attempt at extra-healthy eating is countered by my finally breaking down and fetching myself a Diet Coke, thus ending a months-long streak of no drinking pop (except on special occasions and/or as an occasional alcoholic mixer). This because I once again forgot to bring a mug to replace the coffee mug I broke in the bathroom sink last week, and so I'm still prevented from drinking coffee. I need to bring some styrofoam cups up here for just such a time as this. Bah.

Mmm, Diet Coke. Only lime could improve you.

Matt and I are trying to get back on the Zone, which is why the tofu. I'd like to lose another size before the wedding, which actually only gives me until about May, which is when I'll need to start getting my dress fitted. Mainly I just want to get used to eating and cooking habits that will be healthy for him and help him control his diabetes. The fact that it's good for me too is just a side benefit. But I think my goals are going to come down to my finding (or making) the time to work out. I might have to start shutting my office door and doing Pilates on my lunch break. I also want to find a good yoga or physical therapy video that will help me work on flexibility and strengthening my back. Any suggestions? When I'm moaning and groaning on my wedding night I don't want it to be because of old lady aches and pains (oh yes I did!).


Yesterday was quite the relaxing day, and the mulled wine I simmered up was quite the yummy treat, even though I let it get hot enough that it boiled out a little too much alcohol to contribute a whole lot to the relaxing part. And my 8 hour Veronica Mars marathon got cut in half when my second DVD turned out to be cracked. Thanks a lot, Netflix. Or maybe it's thanks a lot, post office. Either way, that gets another "bah." On the bright side, I made pretty good progress on Tess's present, and now it's almost halfway there. And the break, it done me good. Now I just have to find time to do all that laundry before I run out of things to wear.

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