He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

December 23, 2005

'Tis the season to be funky. Not in the good way. Also, spoilers for VM and ASOIAF.

Skip the following paragraph if you've missed out on the goodness that is Veronica Mars and have any intention of watching it someday.

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So really, all a TV show needs to garner my obsession is a good, compelling couple to 'ship. Make the male lead either a woobie that needs lots of comforting or a bad boy in need of redemption who's discovering feelings for his worst enemy, and I'm on board. Make him both? I'll sail that 'ship until it drowns me. So. Logan and Veronica. Tailor made to push every single one of my buttons. I'm not about to start writing Loronica fanfic or anything, but damn. They got me. Just when I swore I'd never 'ship again, they pulled me back in.

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Skip this next paragraph if you have yet to read A Feast for Crows. Or any of the preceding books, for that matter.

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I do not believe that Sandor Clegane is dead. Nuh uh. Not for a minute. You know what I do think? I think that the Elder Brother found him and healed him and worked his mojo on him to get him to spill his guts the way Brienne did, which is the only way the EB could know so much about him and his motivations. And I think he symbolically buried Sandor's armor to signify the death of the Hound and mark a new beginning for Sandor. I even have a sneaking suspicion that he's there at the monestary, all hidden under a cowl and a vow of silence. I'd even go so far as to guess that he was the one who stopped digging the grave long enough to pet Dog. That's right. I'm on to you, Martin. You haven't fooled me for a second. Sandor's still with us. He is, dammit! And I still think he's destined to slay dragons (and maybe finally get to save Sansa Stark in the process).

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Matt and I are both caught in a funk. I think mine is a combination of holiday blues and hormones and worrying about him and his funk, and his is mostly worry about his health and feeling like he's not doing a good enough job taking care of himself, combined with guilt over his inability to stop stressing about it and just trust God that it's going to be okay. Plus, I think, we both miss our dads. And we're both just bone tired and soul weary. I'm not too worried about us. I wish we could both snap out of it in time to enjoy Christmas together, but I know that we will snap out of it eventually. I think once the holidays are done and we get serious about planning the wedding and our lives together and coming up with some financial strategies together, not to mention being done with holiday indulgence and getting back on the health and fitness track, we'll both start to feel a lot better about everything. And just generally feel better.

I gotta say, though, I can't even fathom the kind of anxiety he's dealing with. I've never faced a life-threatening disease, and he's had two. I realized a while back that the reason he doesn't like to plan too far ahead is because there was a time when he thought he might not be around in six months or whatever to go through with his plans. I think he still tends to think that way. Of course, none of us have any guarantees, but when you've had to fight for your life the way he has, it must make you feel especially vulnerable. I just wish I had a better idea of how to help him through this, but all I know to do is to be there for him to discuss his fears and pray with him and help him take really good care of himself. At least I think that marriage is going to be really good for him as far as helping him break some of his bad bachelor habits, especially if he lets me do the meal planning. I just wish there was more I could do to calm his fears.


I expect a slow day today at the office. Think I'll crack down and try to get all my work done this morning so I can have a liesurely afternoon of hanging out and straightening up my office. Maybe I can use some of my downtime to work on holiday cards. Scratch that: I will use some of my downtime to work on cards. Here's wishing the rest of you who are stuck in an office today an easy and painless day-before-the-day-before Christmas.


Anonymous said...

VM is definitely addictive, isn't it? I can't say I'm in love with Logan/Veronica in quite the same way as I am with Spuffy, but I'm definitely hooked. :)

Jean Bauhaus said...

Oh, no. Spuffy will always be my defining OTP. I can't even get into a discussion about Veronica & Logan without bringing it back around to Buffy and Spike. Or for that matter, I can't discuss Logan without eventually making it about Spike. Logan has his Spikish qualities, but nobody can out-Spike my Spike. He's the Spikiest.

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