He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

January 5, 2006

Another Wedding Post: Invitations

I'm feeling a bit better, despite a headache trying to take root. For some reason I just woke up pissed off this morning and couldn't get over the feeling. But after plenty of coffee, a yummy lunch of tofu chili w/ cheese and sour cream, and a semi-productive morning, I'm finally starting to feel a little more benevolent toward the world.

One perk-me-up that helped to improve my mood was planning my wedding invitations. Yes, I'm planning to make my own because I'm just that ambitious and stupid. Anyway, a "quick glance" at Creative Papers Online to see what kind of fancy cardstock they have turned into an obsessive hour-long search for the perfect paper. So far, I've got it narrowed down to these, but I'm pretty sure that this one is my favorite. I'm also pretty partial to this one and this one. I think I'll order some samples on my next break. I've got plenty of time to narrow it down and decide, seeing as how we haven't even settled on a day or a location yet, let alone figured out the guest list. Which is the very next thing on our to do list.


Anonymous said...

Oooh, I love pretty paper. The blue/green is gorgeous. You could make some cool invitations with that.

Hope you have a better day today.

- sunny

Jean Bauhaus said...

And I forgot to order the samples. *facepalm* But isn't that pretty? I'm excited. My wedding is just a big excuse to get crafty.

Thanks, chica. I'm feeling much better today. Mwah!

Anonymous said...

When I was scrapbooking more (or, at all), I used to order paper online all the time, so thanks for the resource! Which one did you end up ordering?

Jean Bauhaus said...

I ordered samples of all of the ones I linked, plus another gold floral and a couple goldy shades of vellum. There's a limit of 6 samples per order, which, phooey.

Doug Cootey over at The Splintered Mind also designs some cool scrapbooking paper. I already pimped him over at sunny's LJ but I might end up going with some of his paper, so I'm pimping him again.

Jean Bauhaus said...

And it occurs to me that a link might be helpful: http://www.cootey.com/scrapbooksplash/


Anonymous said...

You want to know the really wild thing about this? Doug drew our portrait for our wedding invitations almost 17(!!!!) years ago.

Jean Bauhaus said...

Ha, cool. Also, hand drawn portraits? Awesome! If I had a talented artist friend I'd totally rip off that idea.

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