He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

January 25, 2006

Gratitude Journal, Vol. 2 - Everything is Gonna Be All Right

  1. I'm grateful for Matt, because he's just so damn precious. And I'm grateful that he's over whatever stomach bug was having its way with him on Monday. I'm also grateful that he was all smiles and good attitude this morning when I handed him a copy of The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Being a Groom.

  2. I'm grateful to have spent the last year -- much longer than I expected when I first took this gig -- at a job I love, with a boss for whom I love to work. And I'm grateful for the experience I've gained here that will, hopefully, keep me from falling back into the secretarial pool.

  3. I'm grateful to belong to a God who will supply (and has supplied) all my needs according to His riches in glory, and that I don't have to stress out about what I'm going to do next or how I'll pay my bills while I'm between jobs.

  4. I'm grateful that I can get into size 10 jeans! Not comfortably, yet--there's still too much gut overhang for me to wear them in public. But they look good in the butt and crotchal regions, which is progress over a few weeks ago when I first tried them on. Size 10 has been my goal since I first started losing weight long, long ago when I still wore a size 20, and I'm practically there. Yay!

  5. Last and kinda least except not really, I'm grateful that there is new Veronica Mars tonight, and that I remembered to set my VCR to tape it while Matt and I attend church, and that I'm all caught up on previous episodes so I can watch it when I get home and know what's going on. Also yay!

del.icio.us tags: Jean blog sparklemotion gratitude journal encouragement


Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't know you used to be a size 20. I'm impressed, you gorgeous person. *You always were gorgeous.* I might actually be inspired to do something. You know, if I wasn't so tired and/or lazy. *needs coffee*

Jean Bauhaus said...

Aw, danke, sweetums!

I'm tired and lazy. I keep making stabs here and there at starting my workout routine back up, but they keep not taking. Any inches I've lost since NYD are pretty much due solely to my diet. Lately I just can't be bothered to exercise beyond taking the stairs up to my office and maybe parking farther away from building so I have to walk more. Really, that's about it. And some days I can't even manage that.

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