He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

January 25, 2006

Jean can't stop using third person.

Jean is all out of coffee.

Jean is a cranky beyotch today.

Jean really needs people to stop calling her and being snitty.

Jean would so totally go down to a certain Southern state's sheriff's department and deliver some Jean-fu on their snitty accounting people if said accounting people weren't all armed and authorized to defend themselves with lethal force.

Jean was supposed to call churches and chapels to find out availability today (yesterday, actually), but it ain't happening.

Jean was supposed to get a bunch of crap ready to mail out today, too, but that ain't happening either.

Jean is definitely going to beg a neck rub from the hubby-to-be tonight.

Jean really wants some coffee.


Anonymous said...

Manoah hugs Jean!

Jean Bauhaus said...

Aw, thanks, Manoah. Jean needed that. :)

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