*deep breath*
Okay, here is me stepping back and putting off all wedding planning, thinking about wedding planning, talking about wedding planning, and especially asking Matt about anything remotely related to wedding planning, for at least a week whilst I let go of some of my ideas and he gets some sort of clue about what the frack kind of wedding he wants. Or at least until I'm done PMSing.
*resists urge to stab*
You need some kind of outlet. Isn't there anything around you can stab, just once or twice?
I know how you feel. I've been with my boyfriend for 11 (yes, that is double digits), and he keeps changing his mind about whether he wants to get married at all.
I went and ran up and down the stairs until I was out of breath. That helped. It's hard to stay mad at somebody when all you care about is being able to breathe again. ;)
Holy schpedoinkal, eleven years? I really would be stabbing somebody if I had to wait that long.
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