He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

January 18, 2006


Close call on the way to work this morning. Thank God for Matt's quick reflexes, is all I'm saying, or we'd have ended up the meat in a Buick sandwich. Relatedly, yay adrenaline! It's better than a double espresso for clearing your head and getting you going in the morning.

In other news, I'm feeling better about stuff. I'm finally over the PMS and am suddenly a lot more able to put things into perspective. And this morning Matt said he's ready to nail down a solid date for the wedding, so it's time to kick the planning back into gear. I warned him that I'm still likely to be kind of moody for the rest of the month because of the whole Dad thing, but at least we've got a few good weeks of me not being hormonally insane, and we should probably take advantage of it. Also, I think I've figured out a way to keep my original colors and still blend in his burgundy. So it's all good.

That said, I did have a few moments of despair yesterday, wondering how I'm going to accomplish everything that I want to do around the house to get it ready for Matt in the next eight months. But I kept reminding myself that A) it doesn't all have to be done before he moves in. It would be nice, but it's not really necessary; and B) he doesn't really give a rat's hinder if it's all painted and nicely decorated at all, let alone before he comes to live there. So this is all pressure I'm putting on myself, and maybe I need to lighten up on myself and just trust that it will all get done in its own time, and yes, it is okay if I don't spend every minute of my day off that I'm not doing laundry in some kind of mad organizing frenzy. And I really need to let go of decorating ideas that I won't be able to afford to do for at least another year, and we're only going to be living at my place for about a year, so how much money and energy do I really want to put into fixing it up, anyway?

So: realistic, attainable goals. This is a constant struggle for me, but for the next five minutes, at least, I've got a handle on them, and life suddenly seems so much easier. Today is a good day. And I'm very, very grateful this morning to be alive.


Anonymous said...

Heh. Scope creep. That is what my (project manager, obviously) BF calls the tendency for a small project - say, doing the dishes - to turn into an attempt to clean the cupboards, oven, fridge, and wash the kitchen walls.

Don't let scope creep get you. It's evil. It's draining. It costs money and time.

All he really needs (though he might argue the point) is some closet space and a couple of drawers. :)

Anonymous said...

Eeek! to the close call. Thank goodness you two are okay.

I'm glad you've worked out a color compromise. Still, boy needs to know his place ;)

Heh, I do "Scope Creep" all the time! I'm so glad I have a name for it now :) Brilliant term.

Anyway, it sounds like you've got a handle on your Scope Creep. 8 months is a really long time, and while I definitely understand wanting to get everything just right for The Nest of Love, all boys really want is a place to eat, sleep, watch TV, pee, and the other thing :P I'm sure he'll be thrilled with whatever you do :)

Jean Bauhaus said...

garnigal - Scope creep. That is indeed a brilliant term, and something that gets me all the time. It's insidious. That really is a perfect name for it.

fenwic - Hee! Y'all make it sould like I could just stick him in the closet and he'd be perfectly content so long as he can still stretch out and watch TV. Which, really, kinda describes me. So long as it's good TV.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better and that you and Matt are okay.

I'm not going to tell you to stick him in the closet. Mr. Sun decorates our house, needs more space than I (closet and otherwise), and loves making our house a home. Maybe you can just get the necessary stuff out of the way and let Matt come and do some of the rest. Make it feel like his home, too. Or, as you said, wait because you're moving anyway. :)

Jean Bauhaus said...

To look at his current apartment you'd think he'd be happy with a TV closet, but since he got all opinionated about the wedding color scheme I'm sure he'll have opinions about the decorating, too. So you're probably right that I should wait (though an argument could be made for getting it done before he gets a chance to interfere ;). I just have to keep remembering that I've got the rest of our lives to cultivate my inner Martha and impress him with my mad decorating skillz.

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