He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. —Psalm 113:9

January 30, 2006

Shoeless Jean

I can't even be bothered to put my shoes on today. I was running late so I grabbed my boots and a pair of socks and shuffle-ran to the car in my slippers, but even with a good twenty minutes between picking up Matt and letting him drive me to work, I couldn't be bothered to put them on. I shuffled up to my office in my slippers, where I kicked them off, and now I'm taking advantage of being the only one here to parade around barefoot. *wiggles toes* It's exactly that kind of Monday, folks.

The weekend was better than I expected, mainly because I stayed busy. Saturday was spent with Tess seeing Will Rogers Follies and Underworld: Evolution. The former was very long, and that's about all I've got to say about that. The latter was better than its predecessor (Tess would disagree, but she really liked the first one, and the best I could say about it was that it was pretty), and featured a lot of action and naked vampire flesh. Alas, most of it was female. Suffice to say that the highlight of my Saturday was stopping off at the mall for a cookie.

Yesterday was all about trying not to miss Matt too much and keeping my mind off of the dreaded anniversary. Basically, just trying to get through the day, which I did. I read a lot--finished Stephen King's The Gunslinger and started Peter S. Beagle's A Fine and Private Place. The first was good enough to make me want to keep reading the series. The second is off to a good start, but mostly all I could think about while I read it was an essay by the author in which he declared the awesomeness of Spike over Angel and how he's totally my kind of guy.

Nipping that tangent in the bud and moving on: I also cleaned, daydreamed about what I'd do with my place if I had a decorating budget, watched some S1 Lois & Clark and daydreamed about what I'd do with Dean Cain if... never mind, and knitted on Miss Tess's bridesmaid shawl. And I wrote a sappy love poem that'll go in a homemade V-day card for Matt. And I missed Matt and I mourned my dad, but I got through the day, and now the anniversary is behind me, and I got to start my day out with Matt smoochies, which almost gave me the energy and will to put my shoes on, but not quite.

And now I'm taking advantage of my temporary caught-up-ness to work on some of the longer, more tedious projects that I've let pile up on my desk, in order of which is giving me the most guilt on down to the least. I'd rather be writing. Or knitting. Or shopping. Hell, I'd even rather be doing my taxes. But it's gotta get done, and I've only a month left in which to do it. So I'm gonna go get some coffee, roll up my sleeves, and get at it. But I'm still not putting on my shoes.


Anonymous said...

I would just like to say that seeing your new (to me) blog name makes me - and demonic-looking 6ft bunnies everywhere, probably - very proud. And I agree, Underworld 2 was much better than the 1st.

Eleni/Helen, old friend

Jean Bauhaus said...

*blinks* You just keep popping up out of nowhere. Long time no see, chica! How's tricks?

Also, hee!

Jean Bauhaus said...

It's funny, too, I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering where you've gotten to.

Anonymous said...

Heh, I've done the shoeless thing at work when there aren't people around. Not so much this job (because if I'm up, I'm doing things that aren't feet-friendly), but other jobs. It's silly and liberating :D

In my plan, we are shoeless.


Anonymous said...

First thing I do when I get to work is take off my boots. Unless I have a meeting, I'm shoeless all day.

No one's complained yet.

Jean Bauhaus said...

I actually go barefoot all the time around here, as do the other gals in my office. I only even put them on the other day because I needed to go to the law firm next door and pick up a FedEx that got left there for us. But I at least usually manage to start out wearing shoes and then take them off when I get here. Not putting them on at all is new for me.

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