Update: I'm now wearing shoes. Thank you.
Something just occured to me re: George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. The following contains spoilers for A Feast for Crows, so if you're not caught up yet, skip it. Here, I'll tag it for you:
Spoiler space...
I just realized that, with the death of Aerys Oakheart, there's an opening in the Kingsguard (perhaps two, if Loras Tyrell doesn't make it). Dare I hope that Jaime will wave his golden middle finger at convention and rules (not that much of a stretch--this is Jaime, after all) and make Brienne a member? I suppose she can't legally become a knight, but neither was Sandor, and that didn't stop Joffrey from putting him on the KG.
Anyway, I know this is me being a great big girl and OMGOTP!!!, but for them that would practically be like getting married, or at least as close as they could come having sworn all those vows. I didn't use to be a Jaime/Brienne 'shipper, mainly because I was just too shallow (and yet I 'shipped Sansa/Sandor from the beginning. I'm not sure (and not sure I want to know) what it says about me that I could 'ship a beautiful girl with a horribly disfigured (in both body and soul) man without thinking twice, but it took some time and an extremely likeable personality on the part of Brienne to convince me to 'ship a merely unattractive girl with a hot guy). But FfC won me over and I need to see more Jaime/Brienne bonding and I need to see the point where they're both like, "Cersei/Renly who?" And how perfect would it be to have her on the KG, where not only could they continue to watch each other's backs, but she'd also be able to help him protect his children? Now that I've thought of it I hope hope hope that this is where Martin is going. Of course, first they have to get past that whole "Crazy Caetlyn threatening to kill Brienne's friends if she doesn't bring her Jaime's head" problem. And Martin being even meaner than Joss Whedon, there are no guarantees that they will get past that problem, at least not without some bloodshed. Just hopefully not each other's.
.../ASOIAF spoilers
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